
Better coordination between large companies and SMEs in innovation
Published on 23 July 2020

Östra Mellansverige
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
In Hauts de France region, the projects of start-ups are mainly accompanied by incubators in business hives.
On their side, large companies directly finance their innovation projects by themselves: it means through their teams. Moreover, they directly ask for national funds or European funds.
As a result, we can note a lack of co-construction between large companies and the smallest ones.
The company ABB in Sweden works with national start-ups. They finance their innovation projects with them, which allow them to launch their business and to have projects.
Stakeholders : Both large companies and start-ups benefit from this practice: it prevents large companies from asking funds and managing the financial file and start-ups can begin or follow their activity with innovative projects which have a concrete issue. Indeed, they already have their customer
On their side, large companies directly finance their innovation projects by themselves: it means through their teams. Moreover, they directly ask for national funds or European funds.
As a result, we can note a lack of co-construction between large companies and the smallest ones.
The company ABB in Sweden works with national start-ups. They finance their innovation projects with them, which allow them to launch their business and to have projects.
Stakeholders : Both large companies and start-ups benefit from this practice: it prevents large companies from asking funds and managing the financial file and start-ups can begin or follow their activity with innovative projects which have a concrete issue. Indeed, they already have their customer
Resources needed
No specific public resources needed as the topic is to involve more the big companies to support innovation for the local economy.
Evidence of success
As described before, an interaction between large companies and small companies result in a success for both parts.
Potential for learning or transfer
- The method to discuss with big companies, finding the best arguments to demonstrate the economic interest to support innovation and start up creation, not only for the local economy but in the economic interest of the big companies involved, for instance to detect an early stage game changing innovation or developing partnerships to develop quickly and easily an experimentation…
- The animation of the ecosystem, with calls, meetings… organized by the companies but supported by the public funded innovation stakeholders.
- The animation of the ecosystem, with calls, meetings… organized by the companies but supported by the public funded innovation stakeholders.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Region Västmanland

Östra Mellansverige
European projects coordinator