Awareness-raising among High school students, 15 to 18 years old, with respect to biodiversity
About this good practice
This programme was set up to compensate the lack of information about local biodiversity and its functions. This programme provides a better understanding of nature and makes high school students act in favour of environmental protection. The programme aims restoring the relationship of young urban dwellers with nature, which is something they know nothing about. It is also about linking younger people and nature through action in the form of work sites or building green places.
The programme addresses 240 regional high schools who will receive information and educational documentation. ENRx gets help from specialised structures in Environmental education and sustainable development throughout the territory to teach high school students. These partners are trained according ENRx's original methodology: technical manuals called "Build an animation" and "Build a biodiversity space". Each project has 4 phases:
1. Immersion in an ecosystem to discover and understand the stakes of biodiversity
2. Knowledge acquisition in class with teaching tools and the animator
3. Participation in one or more group actions (nature-work sites, swamp creation, planting of hedges, clearing of invasive species)
4. Student action at home for those who want to take part in local projects with associations
During the project, teachers and students communicate with other classes.
Resources needed
14 schools will participate in the selection per school year on the basis of a commitment charter with financing of 2500 euro, including the following costs: animation managment costs, transportation on natural sites, and action-dedicated supplies.
Evidence of success
9 assessments reports are available on internet
They include reports from students, teachers and partners
The programme in its current form has been at work for 3 years.
It impacted around 1 000 high school students.
300 new high school students have been selected to work on new projects starting in September 2017
Potential for learning or transfer
This action is based on learning process: knowledge, behaviour, sciences (natural and physical), citizenship. The process of learning is modelised with a timesheet and calendar with several stages. the idea is the partner becoming autonomous with the process. The documentation and support are made to facilitate transfer of methodology.
2 Web App (Open source) are in development (action plan, phase 2 of IMPACT project)