Image Social SLOWDOWN Promotion of slow tourism for sustainable, local and regional economic development and well-being Ongoing Culture and sustainable tourism
Image Social OpenRegioCulture Co-creation of environment for accessibility of cultural resources for people with special needs Ongoing Culture and sustainable tourism
Image Social INVOLVIM Informal and Voluntary Services for Work Based Immigrants Ongoing Social inclusion
Image Social JEWELS TOUR JEWish hEritage as Leverage for Sustainable TOURism Ongoing Culture and sustainable tourism
Image Social SALAM Sustainable AccessibIlity to the LAbour Market Ongoing Integration of 3rd country nationals
Image Social Tourism4SDG Improving the effectiveness of tourism policy instruments for SDG achievement Ongoing Culture and sustainable tourism
Image Social DEPART Support the DEveloPment of a sustAinable spoRts Tourism in Europe Ongoing Culture and sustainable tourism
Image Social KORALE Towards a community of practice and Knowledge On pReventing and tAckling Loneliness from public policiEs Ongoing Social inclusion
Image Social CHERRY making Culture tHe N°1 ally of European RecoveRY Ongoing Culture and sustainable tourism
Image Social SIRM Socio-economic Integration of Refugees and Migrants Ongoing Integration of 3rd country nationals
Image Social NEAR NEw sociAl seRvices: innovative tools and skills for person-centered and community-based social models Ongoing Social inclusion
Image Social MILEstone Migrants‘ Integration in Local Economies Ongoing Integration of 3rd country nationals