
Tracción (Traction)
Published on 05 March 2020

This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
Local Development Agents identify both driving and mentoring companies and start-up companies in their municipality and propose them to INFO to join the program.
INFO, Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia is the Regional Development Agency of Murcia. Its main objective is to implement support policies for the companies in the Region of Murcia. Its main activities are the external promotion of regional companies, promotion of innovation, growth policies, business consolidation and support for entrepreneurship.
Tractor companies are companies that have optimally applied strategic measures in foreign markets, in the development of new technologies, in digital marketing and communication, in financial measures, in environmental measures and in corporate social responsibility. These companies have obtained measurable results and are willing to help small companies by exerting an impulse or traction on them through contracts, purchase of products or services, intermediation with suppliers or clients, and with specific actions
Mentor companies are those willing to dedicate time and personnel to train small businesses in the areas that are needed.
A map and timetable of objectives and activities are drawn up which consist of training, networking, business advice, advice for R&D&I aid, advice for internationalisation aid, INFO's own aid line for private investors to enter the capital of seed companies, support for attendance at trade fairs and awards.
INFO, Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia is the Regional Development Agency of Murcia. Its main objective is to implement support policies for the companies in the Region of Murcia. Its main activities are the external promotion of regional companies, promotion of innovation, growth policies, business consolidation and support for entrepreneurship.
Tractor companies are companies that have optimally applied strategic measures in foreign markets, in the development of new technologies, in digital marketing and communication, in financial measures, in environmental measures and in corporate social responsibility. These companies have obtained measurable results and are willing to help small companies by exerting an impulse or traction on them through contracts, purchase of products or services, intermediation with suppliers or clients, and with specific actions
Mentor companies are those willing to dedicate time and personnel to train small businesses in the areas that are needed.
A map and timetable of objectives and activities are drawn up which consist of training, networking, business advice, advice for R&D&I aid, advice for internationalisation aid, INFO's own aid line for private investors to enter the capital of seed companies, support for attendance at trade fairs and awards.
Expert opinion
The Traccion programme is a good framework programme where more experienced companies act as mentors or traction agents to start-ups or SMEs. Helping a start-up establish their first contracts or sale of purchases can go a long way in the development of a new business. Tractor companies help build trust among the new or small company and their own previous clients and cooperation partners. Starting entrepreneurs might also trust the real or hands-on experience of other entrepreneurs more than the theoretical advice provided by business consultants. In addition to the support that start-ups and SMEs receive, programmes such as this help to develop the local business ecosystem and collaborative networks of a region.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
Resources used: €30,000
Resources needed:100.000€
Resources needed:100.000€
Evidence of success
Appointment of 17 driving companies involved.
Selection and preparation of 30 entrepreneurs to offer to the tractor companies.
300 individual interviews between entrepreneurs and specific tractor companies, products and services.
3,000 minutes of individual business interviews with entrepreneurs and tractors.
More than 20 concrete offers subsequent to the celebration of Traction 19, from the entrepreneurs to the tractor companies.
12 mentoring teams built entrepreneurs and mentors
Selection and preparation of 30 entrepreneurs to offer to the tractor companies.
300 individual interviews between entrepreneurs and specific tractor companies, products and services.
3,000 minutes of individual business interviews with entrepreneurs and tractors.
More than 20 concrete offers subsequent to the celebration of Traction 19, from the entrepreneurs to the tractor companies.
12 mentoring teams built entrepreneurs and mentors
Potential for learning or transfer
The structure of the Traction 19 program provides very interesting elements for the growth of the Km0 economy and reinforces the development of entrepreneurship in regional markets.
Its organization is transferable to any geographic space. It consists of public and private collaboration so that large companies from any region of the European Union get to know and support entrepreneurship in their geographical area.
Provides the tractor companies a deep knowledge of the entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Entrepreneurs the possibility of finding great clients for the development of their professional activity.
Mentor 19 program focuses on mentoring and training of entrepreneurs by renowned entrepreneurs in the geographical development environment. Its organization is also transferable and very interesting because the entrepreneur has a deep knowledge of the economic and social situation where he carries out his activity and can transmit all his experience to entrepreneurs.
Its organization is transferable to any geographic space. It consists of public and private collaboration so that large companies from any region of the European Union get to know and support entrepreneurship in their geographical area.
Provides the tractor companies a deep knowledge of the entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Entrepreneurs the possibility of finding great clients for the development of their professional activity.
Mentor 19 program focuses on mentoring and training of entrepreneurs by renowned entrepreneurs in the geographical development environment. Its organization is also transferable and very interesting because the entrepreneur has a deep knowledge of the economic and social situation where he carries out his activity and can transmit all his experience to entrepreneurs.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Regional Government of Murcia

Región de Murcia