
Reduction of energy demand through thermal modernization - primary school in Marzysz
Published on 01 June 2018

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About this good practice
The goal of the task is to increase energy efficiency in the public utility sector in the urban-rural commune of Daleszyce through modernization and thermomodernization of public utility buildings of the commune and reduction of emissions of harmful substances into the air through the use of renewable energy sources. Analysis of the socio-economic situation of the Daleszyce Commune and analysis of the energy efficiency of the Primary School building in Marzysz, which was determined in the energy audit of the building, it allowed to diagnose specific problems and needs. Among the diagnosed problems are: low energy efficiency of the building, high maintenance costs and exploitation, unheated rooms of the building, lowering the quality of life of the residents resulting from the deterioration of air quality, as a result of the emission of gaseous pollutants and dust into the air. The immediate reasons for the task were: poor technical condition and visual building, non-insulated walls, uninsulated sides under unheated attics, inefficient central heating installation, outdated standards of use of buildings, outdated and leaky window frames and door. The main beneficiaries of the project are mainly pupils and employees of the school in question, as well as the local community that is currently using the building in question.
Resources needed
The total cost of the task of thermal modernization of the school building was about 71 163 Euro. The task was co-financed from the funds of the European Regional Development Fund, in the damages of the Regional Operational Program for the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship for the years 2014-2020.
Evidence of success
The implementation of the task will contribute to the reduction of pollutant emissions into the air, will positively affect the improvement of energy efficiency and will significantly improve the technical condition of the building. The scope of work includes hydro and thermal insulation of the main nave of the building, insulation with side granules, replacement of window and door carpentry and insulation of all building walls and the project will have huge impact to increase energy efficiency.
Potential for learning or transfer
The task of hydromornization and thermal modernization of the Primary School building in Marzysz, implemented as part of the project entitled "Reducing the demand for energy through thermal modernization, modernization of energy equipment of public buildings with the use of renewable energy in the area of Daleszyce Commune as part of ITI, it indicates that an accurate diagnosis of the technical condition of the building preceded by an appropriate energy audit and a local vision allows for choosing the right solutions that improve the building's energy efficiency without having to bear high costs of renovation and construction work. Thanks to the undertaking of appropriate actions consisting mainly in the elimination of low-efficiency heating devices, inefficient central heating installations, and also due to minimization of heat losses, the costs of maintaining and using public buildings are significantly reduced.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Primary school in Marzysz; Marzysz 12; 26-021 Marzysz; Daleszyce; Phone: 0413171942
