
Programma Operativo Interregionale Energie Rinnovabili e Risparmio Energetico 2007-2013
Published on 31 January 2022

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About this good practice
The "Programma Operativo Interregionale Energie Rinnovabili e Risparmio Energetico 2007-2013" (Interregional Operational Program Renewable Energy and Energy Saving), "POI Energie" in short, was financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), in the 2007-2013 programming period.
The result of a long and intense analysis and planning activity, involved various institutional subjects: the central administrations (Ministry of Economic Development and Ministry of the Environment and Protection of the Territory and the Sea), the Convergence Regions (Calabria, Campania, Puglia and Sicily) and the economic and social partnership and is structured around 3 priority axes:
- Axis I: Production of energy from renewable sources
- Axis II: Energy efficiency and optimization of the energy system
- Axis III: Technical Assistance and accompanying actions.
In the implementation phase, POI Energie has promoted project actions activated through tenders and negotiation procedures initiated by the bodies in charge of management and implementation:
- the Ministry of Economic Development, General Directorate for the Electricity Market, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, Nuclear Energy (DGMEREEN), as Managing Authority,
- the Directorate General for Business Incentives (DGIAI) of the MiSE and the Directorate General for Climate and Energy of the Ministry of the Environment in the role of intermediate bodies.
The result of a long and intense analysis and planning activity, involved various institutional subjects: the central administrations (Ministry of Economic Development and Ministry of the Environment and Protection of the Territory and the Sea), the Convergence Regions (Calabria, Campania, Puglia and Sicily) and the economic and social partnership and is structured around 3 priority axes:
- Axis I: Production of energy from renewable sources
- Axis II: Energy efficiency and optimization of the energy system
- Axis III: Technical Assistance and accompanying actions.
In the implementation phase, POI Energie has promoted project actions activated through tenders and negotiation procedures initiated by the bodies in charge of management and implementation:
- the Ministry of Economic Development, General Directorate for the Electricity Market, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, Nuclear Energy (DGMEREEN), as Managing Authority,
- the Directorate General for Business Incentives (DGIAI) of the MiSE and the Directorate General for Climate and Energy of the Ministry of the Environment in the role of intermediate bodies.
Resources needed
The 2007-2013 financial endowment was approximately € 1,071 billion (75% co-financed by ERDF).
- Axis I - Production of energy from renewable sources € 396M
- Axis II - Energy efficiency and optimization of the energy system € 633M
- Axis III - Technical assist. / Accompanying measures € 42M
- Axis I - Production of energy from renewable sources € 396M
- Axis II - Energy efficiency and optimization of the energy system € 633M
- Axis III - Technical assist. / Accompanying measures € 42M
Evidence of success
The results achieved:
• 1,283 interventions on PA buildings
• Projects carried out: 1,172 in the Municipalities; 26 in universities; 19 in museums and prestigious buildings; 23 in prisons; 10 in hospitals
• 1,605 km modernized smart grid network;
• approx. € 240M contribution to companies (MSMES 73%), for financing 1,237 projects
• € 703M of overall investments activated by companies thanks POI Energie contribution
• 8 geothermal studies
• 416,000 tons of reduced carbon dioxide emissions
• 1,283 interventions on PA buildings
• Projects carried out: 1,172 in the Municipalities; 26 in universities; 19 in museums and prestigious buildings; 23 in prisons; 10 in hospitals
• 1,605 km modernized smart grid network;
• approx. € 240M contribution to companies (MSMES 73%), for financing 1,237 projects
• € 703M of overall investments activated by companies thanks POI Energie contribution
• 8 geothermal studies
• 416,000 tons of reduced carbon dioxide emissions
Potential for learning or transfer
POI Energie has brought in the Convergence Regions resources for over € 1 billion. The Program was directed at public administration and private companies, through public and negotiation procedures with a strategy based on the support of the public demand and on interventions in favor of entrepreneurial subjects, carrying out initiatives and projects in accordance with the objectives assumed in the Program strategy.
Many territorial realities have improved their environmental conditions and life of citizens to demonstrate the validity of the policy choices made by the Program and how the green economy is still today one of the main tools for exiting from the crisis. During the subsequent programming periods, the PA and companies will have the opportunity to acquire and enhance the studies, plant proposals and diagnoses carried out by the POI Energie, to exploit the high potential of resources not yet used in the best possible way.
Many territorial realities have improved their environmental conditions and life of citizens to demonstrate the validity of the policy choices made by the Program and how the green economy is still today one of the main tools for exiting from the crisis. During the subsequent programming periods, the PA and companies will have the opportunity to acquire and enhance the studies, plant proposals and diagnoses carried out by the POI Energie, to exploit the high potential of resources not yet used in the best possible way.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
INVITALIA - Ministry of Economic Development

Project Manager