
On Demand Bus
Published on 21 January 2021

This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The call or village bus system of the Wartburgmobil transport company has recently replaced regular bus service in certain areas of the operating area around the city of Eisenach in western Thuringia. The service is similar to the well known on demand mobility services that you mostly find in urban areas. The bus can be ordered up to one hour before the desired trip and then runs between the regular public transport stops. Bookings can be made by phone or on the homepage. The fare is the same as the regular public transport fare (1,60 € - 2,90 € for a single ride). The system described here is primarily intended to ensure the provision of public transport in rural regions, where public transportation services are being reduced to an increasing extent. With the help of on-demand transports, empty runs can be avoided, thus reducing costs and environmentally harmful emissions.
Resources needed
Approximately 75,000 euros per year.
Evidence of success
The call or village bus system operated by the Wartburgmobil transport company has been in operation for quite some time and continues to run without any significant problems. The system is widely accepted by the public, especially by people who live in rural areas and have no own car. Additionaly the serviceis perceived much more attractive than the regular timetable based public transport. As the operation appears to be marketable, the project can be rated as successful.
Potential for learning or transfer
The call or village bus system of the Wartburgmobil transport company is a great example of how it is possible to adapt public transport to demand, especially in rural regions, without having to discontinue it completely. By maintaining the public transport offer, alternatives to the own car are created and thus sustainable transportation is promoted. Moreover, the principle can be established and applied regardless of the country.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Verkehrsunternehmen Wartburgmobil (VUW) gkAöR
