Easy monitoring of Energy Efficiency in homes
About this good practice
A toolkit "CARBON REDUCTION SUITCASE" was developed and designed to help people to save their energy at homes and to reduce the carbon footprint impact on the environment.
The suitcase contains tools and devices for diagnosing energy losses in homes, such as a thermal imaging camera, a light and power meter, a room thermometer, a refrigerator and freezer thermometer, a liquid thermometer, a stopwatch and a key to remove trapped air in radiators.
Within 7 easy-to-use tools with practical instructions manual, this toolkit allows people to get a better understanding of the energy use in their homes, to identify problems or detect home conditions and to get people’s attention to improve energy efficiency, to reduce the energy and the energy bills. This is a perfect way to get the whole family involved.
Did you know that by implementing easy energy saving measures, you could reduce your energy bill by up to 20 % while improving the comfort of your home and helping contribute to a better environment at the same time?
It is also available to borrow it from Energy and Climate Agency of Podravje (ENERGAP), which also offer a free energy advice for the people and help them to understand the results of the measurements.
Resources needed
Total costs to develop and design a toolkit "CARBON REDUCTION SUITCASE" with all tools and practical instructions together with the services offered to the people were 5.000 EUR.
Evidence of success
A toolkit "CARBON REDUCTION SUITCASE" was successfully introduced to the people in the context of various different events, like workshops, on the event stands at different locations, through different medias, on the TV and on the website.
People are very interesting to borrow it to measure their home energy conditions on their own, to reduce energy and to save the money in the short and long term. ENERGAP has a lot of inquiry for it.
Potential for learning or transfer
A toolkit "CARBON REDUCTION SUITCASE" is very easy to use (you do not need a technical knowledge for use the tool and you do not need to be a technical engineer) and to transfer to all other European Regions. This is a cost-effective measure that is portable and therefore over time can have a significant impact on energy consumption, reduction of the carbon footprint impact and to changing behaviour.