Climate for Silesia by Silesian Botanical Garden
Published on 19 February 2020

This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The Silesian Botanical Garden as a union of associations realises a set of projects in strict cooperation with voivodeships’ government and regional organisations. As an association it participates in many projects of educational character as well as develops and creates ecological movement in Silesian agglomeration society. The garden is looking for alternative ways of transferring educational content and involving participants in activities for the environment, as well as promoting spending free time in an environmentally friendly place, respecting other people, needs of animals and plants.
Green revitalization of post-industrial areas requires the implementation of proper methods and use of plant species. Thus, the garden cooperates with local governments providing assistance in the effective biological revitalization of degraded post-industrial areas. Activities include educational, laboratory, creative and gardening workshops, educational happenings, seminars and scientific lectures, educational field games, competitions, educational and information campaigns (e.g. collection of electrowaste), demonstrations, guided tours, film screenings, exhibitions.
Main beneficiaries of the practice are inhabitants of the Silesia region, local governments, education groups, especially schoolchildren.
Green revitalization of post-industrial areas requires the implementation of proper methods and use of plant species. Thus, the garden cooperates with local governments providing assistance in the effective biological revitalization of degraded post-industrial areas. Activities include educational, laboratory, creative and gardening workshops, educational happenings, seminars and scientific lectures, educational field games, competitions, educational and information campaigns (e.g. collection of electrowaste), demonstrations, guided tours, film screenings, exhibitions.
Main beneficiaries of the practice are inhabitants of the Silesia region, local governments, education groups, especially schoolchildren.
Expert opinion
The practice is a positive example of how a botanical garden raises awareness and knowledge about nature and environmental protection at regional and local level. The practice can serve as an inspiration for other botanical gardens as a model of cooperation between the garden and local and regional governments, and other stakeholders. What can provide helpful insight are the concrete activities implemented by the botanical garden and serving education purposes (e.g. creative and gardening workshops, seminars and scientific lectures, educational field games, competitions, information campaigns, etc.). Another learning element of the practice is that the garden provides assistance to public authorities in integrating green infrastructure in the revitalization of degraded post-industrial areas.
Resources needed
Project value: PLN 480,457.45
Project co-financing from the EU: PLN 350,457.00
Project co-financing from the WFOŚiGW in Katowicach
Project co-financing from the EU: PLN 350,457.00
Project co-financing from the WFOŚiGW in Katowicach
Evidence of success
The number of participating organisations and people participating in the courses and events are constantly increasing. Climate for Silesia plays an important role in raing the environmental interest in the region and supports the design and implementation of projects with environmental effects. The gardens offers a number of jobs ands trains teachers too. Local events, such as fairs and markets support the regional economy.
Potential for learning or transfer
The Botanical Garden performs an unusual range of works based on a braod regional cooperation, knowledge transfer and consultation. This includes maintaining plant collections in revitalized post-industrial areas, for example, in the GEOsfera Ecological and Geological Education Center and in the Gródek commune park. It will assist in creating the Botanical Garden Arboretum in Jaworzno. It is a place of active leisure combined with education and contact with nature, and within it a total of 20 family-ecological holidays are held annually.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Silesian Botanical Garden in Mikołów

Project Coordinator