Conclusions and materials
Thank you for your active participation during the Project training days!
In this section you will find the materials from the event.
Materials sent before the event
To access the materials that were sent before the event, and download them, click below.

Give us feedback
Have your say and let us know what you thought about the Project training days!

Day 1: Finance
You can download the presentation slides and additional material below. In these materials, you'll find information about:
- Basic reporting principles, legal framework and verification of expenditure
- Eligibility of expenditure (staff costs, office and administration, travel and accommodation costs)
- Reporting in the Portal
- External expertise and services, equipment, infrastructure and works and public procurement
Download the materials (4)
Day 1 - Reporting principles and legal framework (1).pdf
Day 1 - Eligibility of expenditure (2).pdf
Day 1- Reporting in the portal (3).pdf
Day 1 - Mastering financial reporting (4).pdf

Day 2: Activities and results
You can download the presentation slides and additional material below. The presentations cover:
- Introduction to the reporting process
- Sharing good practices
- Reporting activities (joint progress report)
- Reporting results (policy report)
Download the material
Day 2 - Introduction (1).pdf
Day 2 - GP submission & validation (2).pdf
Day 2 - GP submission & validation -Practical exercise - Results (2).pdf
Day 2 - GP submission & validation -Practical exercise - Learning process and Platform (2).pdf
Day 2 - Reporting results (4).pdf
Day 2 - Reporting activities (3).pdf
Day 2 - Reporting activities - Practical exercise (3).pdf
Day 2 - Reporting activities - Cards (3).pdf

Day 3: Communication
You can download the presentation slides and additional material below. They cover:
- Communication requirements and tools
- How to improve your project website
- Your approach to communication
- World café and your experiences
Download the materials (4)
Day 3 - Tools for an effective communication (1).pdf
Day 3 - How to improve your project website (2).pdf
Day 3 - My approach to communication (3).pdf
Day 3 - World café (4).pdf
Photos and social media posts
Take a look at some selected snapshots from the Project training days below.
What were your event highlight? Share your pictures on social media with: #ProjectTrainingDays @interregeurope

Social media
Share and like the social media posts that have been made during the week!
- Day 1 recap
- Day 2 recap
- Day 3 recap
- Our video for the European day of languages
- And our Project training days recap
Participants and networking
Looking for contacts of someone you met during the event? You can still make use of the attendee list and reach out to other project partners whom you met (or didn't have time to connect with) during the event.
More info and useful links
We hope the Project training days gave you new ideas and inspiration to continue your project implementation. Good luck for the next steps and see you soon in one of our upcoming events!
Useful links
Upcoming events for projects
- 17 October (10:00-12:00 CEST): Q&A on financial reporting - register for the webinar