is a digital knowledge bank where you can find inspiration and tools to act and work more equally and inclusively. It is free and accessible to all.
AFA Cluj - Empowering women entrepreneurs through networking and community engagement
AFA Cluj empowers women in business through networking events, community projects, educational initiatives and health campaigns, impacting local communities
Arctic Smartness Brand: A Strategic Tool for S3 Implementation
Arctic Smartness brand is a strategic tool for S3 implementation, enhancing synergies, leveraging funding, and driving sustainable innovations in Lapland
RegioClusterAgentur for Innovation and Transformation in Baden-Wuerttemberg (RCA BW)
The RegioClusterAgentur BW provides services to support intermediaries in Baden-Wuerttemberg in their professionalisation and to adress regional transformation.
Cross-sectoral cooperation powered by Northern Transylvania Cluster Consortium, for SMEs competitiveness and innovation, ensuring top management gender equality
Initiative to promote sustainability in companies in the 3 dimensions (environmental, social and economic) by integrating it into their policies and management
Gender diversity, an asset for integration and inclusion
Partners in social inclusion sector in “Meuse” geographic department worked together to identify the obstacles and levers to gender equality in the workplace.
This award-winning good practice resulted in Lapland's entrepreneurship education strategy, Method Handbook, teacher-mentor network and an education programme.