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Europe, let's cooperate 2024

Interregional cooperation forum
20-21 March 2024
In person & online | Handelsbeurs | Antwerp, Belgium
#europecooperates event participants

Get involved in interregional cooperation

The 10th edition of Europe, let's cooperate interregional cooperation forum (#europecooperates) will take place on 20-21 March 2024 in Antwerp, Belgium. Because we are fully booked, we will also stream the plenary on 20 March online.

Get ready to join us in Antwerp to celebrate cooperation, launch a new call for project proposals and welcome new countries into the Interreg Europe programme!

The 2024 event brings together people interested in interregional cooperation from all across Europe.

Planning to apply? Looking for project partners? Searching for tips or inspiration for successful cooperation projects? Wondering how to benefit from the services of our Policy Learning Platform? Then #europecooperates is for you. 

See the agenda

What to expect?

Europe, let's cooperate! is two days filled with:

  • Inspiration and ideas for new project development
  • Information about the third call
  • Networking opportunities, discussions and new contacts
  • Chances to meet people from regions from all across Europe - including the new countries joining Interreg Europe as the programme area is expanding
  • Sharing of project ideas and experiences
  • Possibilities for individual consultations with the joint secretariat to discuss your project idea
  • Study visits and chances to learn about good practices and results of interregional cooperation
  • Opportunities to discover the services of the Policy Learning Platform
#europecooperates event participants
Profile picture for user joan.prummel@rws.nl
International Circular Economy Adviser
Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat
In person

Interested in

Lead a project +4

1 project

Profile picture for user m.staniszewski@ocrg.opolskie.pl
Head Specialist/Project Coordinator/International Cooperation Coordinator
Opolskie Centre for Economy Development/Opolskie Voivodeship

Interested in

Lead a project +4

2 projects

Profile picture for user markku.lehikoinen@paijat-hame.fi
Project Manager
Regional Council of Päijät-Häme
In person

Interested in

Lead a project +3

1 project

Profile picture for user k.kissa@rdfcm.gr
Head of the Department of European Union Projects
Regional Development Fund of Central Macedonia
In person

Interested in

Join a project +3

6 projects

Peter de Smedt looking far away and smiling

Peter De Smedt

Director Strategic Insights & Analyses at the Flanders Chancellery and Foreign Office (Government of Flanders)
Slawomir Tokarski smiling

Slawomir Tokarski

Director for European Territorial Cooperation, Macro-regions, Interreg and Programmes Implementation, DG Regio, European Commission
Manoëlle Wasseige smiling

Manoëlle Wasseige

Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union
Rostyslav Tomenchuk standing

Rostyslav Tomenchuk

Head of the Departments of International Technical Assistance Coordination
Anne Wetzel sitting next to the European flag

Anne Wetzel

Director of the European department, Hauts-de-France region

What is Interreg Europe?

Interreg Europe is an interregional cooperation programme, co-funded by the European Union. We help local, regional and national governments across Europe to develop and deliver better policy. We create an environment and opportunities for sharing solutions to regional development issues. We support the exchange of good practices and policy learning among European regions in 36 countries - the EU27, Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, and Ukraine.

Go to the Interreg Europe website
#europecooperates event participants