Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
ENAIBLER will focus on Priority 2 of the ROP where the Regional Council has identified as its first five Challenges and needs:
- develop the digital sector in the territory by creating specialised ecosystems (SmartCity, IOt, FoodTech,...) ;
- develop intelligent territories to promote attractiveness and improve the life of citizens citizens;
- accelerate the development of new professions and new local skills with high added value in digital
- accelerate the development of new professions and new local skills with high added value in digital technology;
- build innovative services through digital technology (artificial intelligence, IoT, Cloud...);
More concretely, for ENAIBLER, the following sub priority and measures have identified and will be addressed:
2.3. Priority (II) Develop a regional digital economy for the benefit of benefiting citizens, businesses and public authorities
2.3.1. Specific objective (SO 2) to fully exploit the benefits of digitalisation for the benefit of citizens, businesses and public authorities
Sub-measure 4: Supporting e-government projects: e-administration & e-citizen including: building innovative services through digital technology (artificial intelligence, IoT, Cloud)
Partners working on this policy instrument

EUF for Opolskie 2021-2027 has 4 priorities based on the EU 2021-2027 policy objectives. The support directed to companies and public sector with highest relevance to the project is foreseen within:
Priority 1 [EU Policy objective 1]:
(i) Developing and strengthening R&I capacities and the use of advanced technologies:
- R&D infrastructure of enterprises,
- regional capacity for providing support for R&D at enterprises and R&D consortia,
- R&D at enterprises and R&D consortia,
- eco-innovation and environmental performance management,
- pro-innovative business organisations services for SMEs (i.e. vouchers),
(ii) Reaping the benefits of digitalisation for citizens, businesses, research organizations and public institutions:
- ICT implementation at SMEs,
- E-health services, including telemedicine and e-government, including e-platforms,
- Creating and introducing mobile applications for the implementation and support of digital services
- public,
- Cybersecurity,
- Development of spatial data infrastructure,
- Digital transformation of public administration, including health care units,
- Digitization and sharing of scientific, cultural and administration resources,
- Digitization of processes within the public administration sector, including the purchase of equipment and software (as part of the project).
(iv) Developing skills in smart specialization, industrial transformation and entrepreneurship:
Partners working on this policy instrument

In 2021 Skelleftea municipality decided on a new strategy for sustainable digital development. It considers the major changes taking place in the region, characterized by demographic challenges, great climate impact, but also positive changes with enormous industrial growth that requires large investments and supply for competence.
Digitization is not regarded as a separate topic but rather a part of all business development in Skelleftea municipality. To ensure a common starting point and create efficiency in the development work, the strategy have set out priority goals and themes. The goals are:
• Availability, digital contact is the obvious choice
• Efficient processes through automation
• Safety, change is driven by trust and courage
• Cross-border collaboration on digitalization
To achieve the goals, the strategy considers five areas that are critical for sustainable success: digital competence, digital safety, digital innovation, digital leadership, and digital infrastructure. For each target area Skelleftea municipality has made actions plans that are directed towards the above goals.
The emergence of AI and disruptive technologies affect current action plans and improvements must be done that result in new tools and methods especially in target areas such as competence, safety, and innovation.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The 2030 Strategy is specified in 58 action lines to achieve 15 strategic objectives based on 5 pillars: Character, balance, city, leadership and vanguard.
In this project, Fomento San Sebastian will address the following:
- Objective 5: Economic Balance 2030
Line 5.3 Development of measures aimed at taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the technological transformation, esp. Cybersecurity, AI or Nanosciences.
- Objective 13: Cutting-edge Governance Model 2030. Develop an intelligent, innovative and modernized Public Administration that leads the tech and digital transformation.
Line 13.1. Modernization of the local Administration
Line 13.3 Leadership in the technological and digital transformation of the local administration.
FSS is the public institution responsible for deploying the innovation strategy within the local innovative ecosystem. Besides, FSS has to bring the new technological trends also from the public government perspective and spread the potential of new technologies to offer efficient, modern and sustainable public services. Therefore, its twofold approach will enable an effective adoption of AI in the city, both for the public sector (being a leader that will transfer the knowledge among the other local public institutions) and the private, thanks to different measures included in its Economic Development Stimulus Plan 2022 (Tech vouchers, Trends analysis, Tech transfer funds, tech mentoring programmes, etc.).
Partners working on this policy instrument

Donegal Digital Action Plan aims to facilitate a perfect work-life balance in County Donegal (Ireland) founded on digital opportunity. Our public-private partnership has the vision of digitally literate communities, co-building sustainable enterprises and societal services. Led by Donegal County Council and coordinated by ERNACT, it consists of 14 organizations, companies and institutions from government, education and research, community and business.
The objectives of our Action Plan are achieved in action items agreed by the Donegal Digital partnership. These actions include the stimulation of digital technologies in traditional businesses, digital transformation of key sectors such as food, tourism and energy, provision of innovative digital public services or connecting talent to transfer digital research, to name some.
Donegal Digital is implementing digitalisation across the county to reap significant benefits in multiple areas: efficiency, effectiveness, ease of access, economic growth, innovation for new products or services. The action plan is divided into these digital transformation categories: Digital Foundations, Digital Innovation, Digital Technologies and Smart City & Region.
ENAIBLER addresses the Smart City & Region category and more concretely the Public Services action which focuses in the introduction of new generation of public services for citizens and businesses based on smart city and disruptive technologies where AI is included.
Partners working on this policy instrument