Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
The Integrated Spatial Development Strategy (OXA) of Latsia and Geri Municipalities overall objective is the spatial and economic integration of Latsia - Geri area to achieve conditions of social prosperity and social cohesion, through the upgrading of the productive environment and social services, the upgrading, protection and utilization of its environmental resources and the improvement of the quality of life of its inhabitants.
Priority Axis (PA2): Improving Accessibility of the area and promoting sustainable urban mobility, sub-objective 2.2 entitled “ICT actions / Electronic applications for the development of e-governance and e-administration” foresees the intention to adopt innovative solutions regarding the provision of e-services to citizens, with the aim of:
• efficient provision of services to citizens,
• improving productivity,
• reducing the cost of providing services,
• contributing to the protection of the environment.
Partners working on this policy instrument

Viimsi Municipality’s Development Strategy 2045 was developed in the period 2022-2023, see https://www.viimsivald.ee/viimsi-2045-arengustrateegia-koostamine) and it was adopted by the Municipality’s Council on 12.10.2023. It is the key long-term strategic document of municipality and plays a key role in the development of municipality’s life, providing overall and direct objectives, target groups, measures and indicators of achievement in key field of municipality, from education and environment to health care, e.g., such public services as local public transport, roads, water supply, wastewater treatment, recycling, nature protection, education, youth work, cultural work, social services, etc. Also, it will be the basis for financial plan of Municipality in all sectors of operation. Among others, the Strategy includes Specific Objective for the Strategic Management of Municipality, to ensure that local inhabitants are actively participating in the decision-making processes, to design client-friendly municipal digital services, etc. After approval of the Strategy, the departments of Viimsi Municipality and its sub-structures are now implementing annual activities, according to short term Action Plan 2024-2028 of the Strategy, see https://viimsivald.ee/sites/default/files/inline-files/Viimsi%20valla%20tegevuskava%202024%20%E2%80%93%202028.pdf
Partners working on this policy instrument

The strategy includes a work plan to deliver the following tools:
- Electronic Budget Consultation System
- Electronic payment management system
- Electronic Invoicing
- System for electronic handling of documents and digital signatures
- Smart services for citizens
- Central single platform for management and data collection of digital transformation actions of the Municipality
Other actions that will be implemented in this framework as well include:
- Digitisation of local cultural heritage (e.g. development of the digital/experiential/interactive Museum)
- Installation of intelligent water quality measurement systems
- Integrated protection infrastructure against cyber attacks
- Intelligent system for warning and dealing with floods
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Strategic Plan of the province of Jaén is an actual strategic plan for the development of the province of Jaén. It was developed by the Fundación Estrategias and outlines a vision for the province. The plan includes 8 development strategies and 62 structuring projects designed to achieve the overall goal of transforming Jaén into an industrially advanced, economically dynamic, territorially balanced, socially solidary, culturally creative province committed to education, research, innovation and sustainability.
The plan is based on participation, consensus, inter-institutional dialogue and public-private collaboration and was developed with the input of more than five hundred specialised collaborators. The plan is aligned with the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda and its execution annual report includes information on how each project contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals.
In this new stage, new technologies have been decisively incorporated - especially through its website (https://www.planestrajaen.org/) and social networks - with the intention of promoting social participation and citizen involvement in the development of the different phases of this second strategic plan.
Partners working on this policy instrument

Slovenia’s EU Cohesion Policy Programme 2021-2027 aims to reduce regional disparities and promote sustainable development. It consists of 8 priorities dealing with different areas. In the project, we will focus on priority 1: Innovation society of knowledge, more precisely on specific objective 1.2: Exploiting the advantages of digitisation for citizens, companies, research organisations and public bodies. Specific objective 1.2 focuses on the following investments: contents of digitisation of public administration services and society: measures to ensure comprehensive public services for companies, citizens and public institutions, developed with users in accordance with the principle of co-creation and with the aim of a safe and best user experience. The programme uses data and advanced digital technologies and provides building blocks for the development of smart public services with the aim of strengthening trust in digital transformation, e-business, a better business environment and the functioning of the single EU digital market. The relevant measures of the programme are: increasing digital inclusion and digital competences; promoting the safe use of digital technologies, the Internet and digital public services (e-services for citizens and businesses, e-inclusion, e-learning, etc.); promoting the digitisation of public services; promoting a supportive environment for the digital transformation of processes, systems and services of local communities.
Partners working on this policy instrument

Imagine la Nièvre is one of the 3 Policy areas of a broad category of county council actions labelled 'Citizen Innovation'; the policy is characterised
by the application of a citizen and multi-stakeholder consultation and quote creation process to developing new solutions/ projects to improve key competence or serviceareas of the county council such as health delivery (in particular maintaining health services within remote and rural areas), economic and social resilience (particularly relating to territorial autonomy that is enabling territories to provide key services locally) and policies relating to social and economic well-being of young people. The policy sets out the key thematic areas (four) that will be examined and key targets for service improvement (30 specific engagements) the process itself of consultation and co-creation is not part of the policy
In operation since November 2021 Imagine la Nièvre was approved as a county policy in July 2022 as a major consultation and strategic co-development process with the Nièvre's residents, stakeholders and the department's socio-economic and institutional partners. The aim is to enhance the quality and ownership offuture strategic development Of the county tBy fosteringdialogue between citizens and their elected representatives and Codeveloping new solutions which will improve the quality of services and actions delivered by the county for the future.this
Partners working on this policy instrument

The County Donegal Development Plan is the principal statutory land use plan for the County, and it sets out a strategic vision for the future growth and development of the County over the 6 year life of the Plan and beyond to a 20-year time frame. This spatially based strategic framework seeks to manage and coordinate change in land use in the County setting out a clear view ahead in development terms together with clear priorities to drive growth.
The plan will guide future planning and public investment decisions around new housing (i.e. urban and rural), economic development, climate change, transport and active travel infrastructure (e.g. roads, walking and cycling), management of natural and built heritage.
New recent legislation empowers the County Council to have a greater role in the policy making and decision making arising from the county’s extensive coastline and maritime environment, particularly in relation to the blue economy and opportunities for offshore renewable energy generation.
The development plan is made by the Elected Members (Councillors) following consultation with the public and other bodies supported by the Council’s Planning section. Citizen’s participation is welcomed throughout the 3 stages: Pre-Draft Preparation; Draft Plan; Materials Alterations to the draft plan. Citizen participation is possible via online portal and/or attending local events.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Integrated development plan of Varna Municipality 2021-2027 (PIRO) is the main strategic document for managing the municipality in the next seven years. It links the comparative advantages and potentials for development at the local level with a clearly defined vision, goals, and priorities for development, linked in general by the aspiration to a higher standard of living of the people in the municipality and sustainable development of the territory and its relations with other municipalities in accordance with the integrated territorial development strategy of the level 2 planning region.
Main objective: Vision for development: “A sustainable future for Varna - an integrated green territory with a developed ecosystem, economy and complex services with care for people!”
Priority addressed: Priority 6. Administrative and regional leader
Group of projects 6.1.3.: Digital transformation of the public sector and provision of electronic administrative services to citizens and businesses
Partners working on this policy instrument