Project summary
Cities face increasing challenges such as environmental, social and economic ones – and they can no longer follow a business-as-usual approach if they want to cope with negative developments. The UrbCitizenPower project strives to empower the biggest asset in local development: the collective innovativeness of individuals. When increasing the agency of citizens (= having the power and resources to fulfill their potentials), the citizens can become drivers of positive change.
The project aims to empower citizens so that they are equipped to take action in current important societal challenges themselves. To tackle these topics and to spur a better policy governance, the partnership improves one regional and six urban policy instruments. The policy instruments on purpose focus on different topics (e.g. green spaces, creativity, culture, pressure on urban space). But in all these policies, as cross-sectoral element the UrbCitizenPower partners include and strengthen the agency of citizens and, hence, make them responsible as well as co-owners and co-creators of their own cities. Expected impacts will be a higher societal cohesion, innovative projects and co-created approaches generated by citizens in the important topics as well as increased acceptance of policy-making.
The partnership represents dynamic and innovative cities which are forerunners in participatory and other agency-focussed processes: Braga/PT, Groningen/NL, Kiel/DE, Guldborgsund/DK, Pori/FI, and Košice/SK. They are complemented by the Region of Central Macedonia/GR with its vibrant capital Thessaloniki and the Advisory Lead Partner Heinrich-Böll-Foundation/DE with its high expertise in citizen engagement and social innovation.
Besides classical interregional policy learning events, the UrbCitizenPower project foresees to organise two thematic working groups on key sub-themes, urban living labs and experience walks with local stakeholders. The idea is to promote learning between and within cities, to use and learn from each other's experiences, leading to better policy-making.