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Introducing Our First SMAPE Newsletter

By Project SMAPE

We're happy to share the first edition of our newsletter with you! As cities across Europe continue to grow, the need for sustainable travel solutions becomes even more important. Our project, the Shared Mobility Action Programmes Exchange (SMAPE), is here to lead the way towards a future where we rely less on cars and more on shared, eco-friendly transport options.

This newsletter marks the beginning of our journey together. With a team spread across Europe, we're committed to changing the way we move around our cities for the better.

Inside this issue, you'll find updates on our latest activities, such as the engaging Shared Mobility Rocks event and informative webinars on how to work with government layers in shared mobility. We also share insights from recent meetings with local and regional authorities, who play a crucial role in this transformation.

Additionally, we've included articles and information on upcoming events related to shared mobility. Whether you're looking for deep dives into the subject or opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals, our newsletter has something for everyone.

As we step into this season of new beginnings, we invite you to join us in making our cities more sustainable and less reliant on cars. Together, we can make a significant impact.

Thank you for being part of this important journey. Let's move forward together towards a cleaner, more connected future.

Download Our First Newsletter



Sustainable mobility
Urban mobility