Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
The Regional Programme Emilia-Romagna ERDF 2021-2027 (ERDF OP RP) is the programming document that defines strategy and operations for the use of allocated ERDF. Being one of the main investment instruments within the framework of the Cohesion Policy, it works to strengthen the economic, social and territorial cohesion of the EU and correct imbalances between its regions.
The strategic priorities of the ERDF OP RP directly connected to SLOWDOWN are:
· RSO5.1 Promote integrated and inclusive social, economic and environmental development, culture, natural heritage, sustainable tourism and security in urban areas
·RSO5.2. Promote locally integrated and inclusive social, economic and environmental development, culture, natural heritage, sustainable tourism and security in non-urban areas
- RSO5.1 1 intends to support interventions for sustainable development aimed at responding to the challenges of the attractiveness of territories and the ecological transition towards climate neutrality, but also at creating new social and participatory processes.
- RSO5.2 aims to support the interventions identified by participatory and bottom-up processes aimed at, for example, interventions for the redevelopment, enhancement, regeneration and use of the historical, artistic and cultural heritage, which can play a decisive role in the overall enhancement of local systems and at the same time strengthen the role of culture, spaces and processes of active inclusion of citizens.
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Sibiu County Council (SIB) as a county level public authority elaborates the programming document establishing development priorities at county level in the Sibiu County Development Strategy 2021-30. The document was co-elaborated with key stakeholders. It is updated yearly in accordance with new development needs identified at county level and based on a continuous monitoring activity evaluating to what extent the set objectives have been reached.
This policy instrument is the public instrument through which SIB leads its interventions. It is financed from several sources: local funding from the local budget, national funding from the state budget, external funds (European funds, EEA Grants, etc). The objectives of the Strategy include various topics, and aim to influence the development of tourism, agriculture, forestry and rural development, education, health, culture, sports and youth.
Experience of the Strategy’s implementation has shown that in its current version’s interventions related to tourism and their impact on other areas such as business environment, culture are missing or are weak. SLOWDOWN will support a revision of the tourism chapter of the strategy in order to strengthen its focus on its slower, more sustainable forms of tourism.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Green tourism development concept reviews the national and international situation of green tourism, evaluates the tourism situation of Komárom-Esztergom County and the practice of tourism interventions. The concept draws attention to the most important, critical areas and expected contradictions within the framework of a detailed status analysis. It places great emphasis on the natural-landscape value analysis of the micro-regions of the county, anticipating the potential strengths and difficulties inherent in green tourism.
It defines the long-term goals and possible directions of green tourism development and formulates the most important organizational and operational proposals for their feasibility. The medium-term programme summarizes 47 project proposals of the most important tourist areas of green tourism, with financial analysis (by micro-region and tourist area), examining feasibility and proposing priorities.
By revision of the Concept, the county aims to establish a "green" framework for its tourism developments. This involves placing the preservation of environmental and landscape values at the forefront, focusing on multi-day stays in the area, promoting environmentally friendly and ecologically sustainable exploration of individual settlements and regions, and fostering the adoption of the slow tourism mindset. The goal is to create a sectoral development compass that emphasizes ecologically sustainable practices in the region.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Programme Region of Murcia ERDF 2021-2027 is the new OP with €1.231 billion allocated to it.
MUR will receive 1.31 million euros allocated for the Growth and Employment Objective of the ERDF and the European Social Fund Plus within the MFF 2021-2027, which means an increase of 13.2% compared to the 2014-2020 period. In total, the autonomous communities will receive 34,693 million euros.
As with all ERDF OPs, cohesion policy priorities will be followed. Thus, emphasis will be put on facilitating the twin green and digital transitions. In this context, slow tourism could be a model for greening the tourism sector, which is of strategic importance to the region.
One of the main topics for the OP 2021-2027 will be SME innovation, modernization and digitalization. It has a strong focus on development of sustainable tourism under SO. 2.7. Promoting the protection and conservation of nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure.
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Tourism development strategy contains the priorities for Amiens Metropole’s (AMI) future developments.
On the Hortillonages and related issues, the strategy sets a budget of €300,000 for investment until 2026, intended to subsidise local actors in tourism development. AMI wishes these grants to allow the emergence of innovative initiatives in terms of sustainable tourism & slow tourism.
The following areas of improvement have been identified:
- The Amiens Tourist Office and Convention should become a leader on slow tourism. Creating a common culture and sharing values will be the first step to achieve this.
- AMI has set up a number of one-off initiatives for visitors and residents, such as nature-oriented guided tours and wellness activities on the islands of the Hortillonnages. In the years to come, they want to adapt these offers to their targeted visitors (such as families, young couples and the elderly) to develop a complete range of slow tourism possibilities between city and nature.
- The destination must be better provided in terms of ancillary services, in terms of accessibility for non car users. Tourism actors must be sensitised and trained to respond to new needs.
The strategy also focuses on other tourism sectors such as remembrance tourism (WW I battlefields that are in the area), business tourism and cultural and heritage tourism. Slow tourism can also be integrated into these fields of tourism and AMI would like to experiment with new offers in this spirit
Partners working on this policy instrument

RPR Development Programme for 2022-2027 is a medium-term regional spatial development planning document, which sets out priorities for regional development, the objectives to be achieved, and a concrete set of measures in order to implement the strategic goals set out in the Riga Planning Region Sustainable Development Strategy for 2014-2030.
The Programme is owned and developed under management of the Riga Planning Region (RPR), involving planning specialists and stakeholders in the development process. The Programme is approved by the Development Council of RPR consisting of heads of municipalities of the region.
The Programme includes the analysis of the current situation, sets mid-term priorities, the actions for the implementation of priorities, and provides an indicative list of projects as well as procedures for the monitoring of the programme.
Priorities of the Development Programme addressed within the framework of SLOWDOWN will be:
-P3 Globally competitive region and products (Tourism product development, branding and marketing of sustainable tourism destinations and experiences)
-P4 Comfortable, fast and climate-neutral mobility and logistics (Green, comfortable, accessible, interconnected mobility solutions for both domestic and international visitors)
-P5 Qualified management and territorial solutions (Efficient and coordinated management of tourism sites, nature trails)
Partners working on this policy instrument

Galway County Development Plan (CDP) is a statutory document prepared by the Galway County Council (GCC) in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements. It sets out a range of proposed policy objectives with supporting narrative for development up to 2028. In accordance with national policy, the plan is seeking to develop in a sustainable and environmentally sensitive manner, promoting the climate change agenda, and setting out economic priorities.
Within the CDP, GCC recognises the potential of tourism as a key driver of sustainable socio-economic growth across urban, rural, island and coastal settings of the County. Sustainable development of the tourism industry is of critical importance. GCC aims to integrate sustainable, specifically slow tourism as a core economic activity, supported by investment. A key objective is to maximise the potential of sustainable tourism thereby contributing to the balanced economic development of the County; supported among other, by policy objective CTB3 Slow Tourism.
Partners working on this policy instrument