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Energy Communities (EC) in Sweden

By Project SIreNERGY
Energy Communities (EC) in Sweden

On April 11 Energikontor Syd arranged a half-day stakeholder-meeting in Karlskrona. 15 persons attended from a variety of organisations such as the Region, Coompanion (supporting cooperative initiatives), municipalities and energy companies.

One purpose of the meeting was to show how municipalities can be involved and support EC initiatives. A series of presentations was mixed with an intense discussion.

Presentations covered EU directives, definitions of energy communities, and new legislation in Sweden for sharing electricity.

Coompanion presented how they support different cooperative initiatives and barriers for more CE in Sweden. Energikontor Syd gave example of their projects in CE including making a Handbook.

Finally, two good examples were presented: Samsö in Denmark and Berslagen in middle Sweden. Both based on grassroot initiatives. EC has potential to contribute to the energy transmission, but different type of support is needed to make it happen. Legislation is not yet fully in place and knowledge among citizens is low. Municipalities can support via their energy companies for example.
