Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
Priorities and objectives of the Tuscan ESF+ 2021-2027 Programme are the following:
1) Employment:
a) Improve access to employment for all jobseekers, in particular young people, the long-term unemployed and disadvantaged groups in the labour market, as well as of inactive people, also through the promotion of self-employment and the social economy
b) Promote balanced participation of women and men in the labour market, equal working conditions and better work-life balance
c) Promote the adaptation of workers, businesses and entrepreneurs to change, active and healthy ageing.
2) Education and training:
d) Improve the quality, inclusiveness, effectiveness of education and training systems and their proximity to the labour market
e) Promote equal access to and completion of quality and inclusive education and training, in particular for disadvantaged groups, from early childhood education and care, through general and vocational education and training, up to tertiary and adult education and learning.
3) Inclusion:
h) Encourage active inclusion, to promote equal opportunities, non-discrimination and active participation, and improve employability, especially of disadvantaged groups.
k) Improve equal and prompt access to quality, sustainable and affordable services; modernize social protection systems; improve the accessibility, effectiveness and resilience of health systems and long-term care services.
4) Youth employment
5) Technical assistance
Partners working on this policy instrument
Signed with the French State in Nov. 2022 for 3 years, the CTAI Territorial reception and integration contract aims to promote reception training of newcomers (annual regional budget: €125,000) based on the training on offer in the 2021-2024 Regional Training Programme which will be renewed for 2025-2028.
1 Promote language learning with professional aim
Promote reception, advice and assessment of language skills
Training newcomers to reach levels A2 B1
2 Promote access to qualifications and carry skills
Promote newcomer’s access to Validation of Prior Learning (VAE) scheme
Innovate on VAE
3 Favour access to training and professional integration
Training in acquisition of a qualification/certification
Communicate on the training offer to actors involved
Develop a training offer connecting trainees and firms, build training path from acquisition of French to qualification. Firms undertake to recruit trainees from start of training with linguistic DEFI Developing employment through inclusive training
4 Remove obstacles to training and employment access
Mobilize mobility aids, develop childcare assistance
5 Create and professionalize an ecosystem of actors in training and integration of newcomers
Professionalise training bodies to better know the group, facilitate its reception
Promote mutual knowledge at local level with refugee reception associations, professionalise structures listing training providers
6 Setting up valorization actions
7 Carry on broaden the scope of CTAI
Partners working on this policy instrument

The main priority of our above mentioned policy instrument is to find new innovative ways to strengthen active citizenship among marginalised individuals. In order to succeed in this matter, we – i.e., public and private actors around them who represent society – need to be more inclusive, and change our own mindsets in order to be open to suggestions from young people affected by marginalisation (NEETs) on how to increase a sense of longing for active citizenship among themselves. Thus, this policy instrument entails co-creation, with the ambition to increase young people’s trust in each other, in society, and in democracy.
The policy instrument entails the following objectives:
• Creating activities and strategies together with young people who are facing challenges as regards labour market inclusion & integration.
• Strengthening validation processes of non-formal skills and preventing non-discriminatory practices.
• Narrowing the socioeconomic divide between citizens, spurring territorial cohesion and countering economic disparities between areas within regions.
• Providing more opportunities for education and self-support.
• Creating conditions for mutual understanding, a greater sense of belonging (sense of coherence – SOC) and trust between people and throughout society.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The strategic vision of the Regional Programme West 2021-2027 is as follows: West Region to become a competitive region with a high level of RDI and digitalisation, capable of attracting and capitalising on investments, internally and internationally connected, whose citizens have an increased quality of life and benefit from efficient public services provided by municipalities
The programme has a total budget of almost 1.2 billion EUR allocated to 7 main priorities. An important part of this budgetary allocation, more exactly 193,4 mil. EUR, is dedicated to Policy Objective 6, A more attractive and educated region, for local interventions aiming at improving tertiary education and create a more resilient and robust labour market connected to the new economic and RDI realities, and able to absorb newcomers.
One main objective is to offer free and non-discriminatory access to quality education, modern conditions for learning and developing new skills for all those interested and in strict correlation with the economic spectrum of the West Region.
By this programme, we intend to act as a policy driver among various decision making levels and connect the regional level, with the interregional one (Interreg EU) and the transnational one, the EUSDR, by adapting our interventions also to the requirements of the macro-regional strategy. Also, the instruments developed in the project will be embedded in the regional strategic documents.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The budget clause §190/2021 (Mark’s municipality), entails the goal to become the best municipality for children. Priority of this goal include, e.g.: preventing young people sitting at home and strengthening youths’ participation & influence in society. The aim is to try different activities & strategies, developed together with youth, to investigate the best effects & measures for implementing this goal – with reduced detail control and greater scope for innovation.
Another goal is to become the best municipality for Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). A large part of the municipality's tax revenue comes from SMEs. Business is the engine of the economy and the driving force behind the innovation that provides growth in our municipality. Companies experiencing a good business environment leads to more people establishing themselves in our municipality. It benefits the entire municipality's development. By creating the very best conditions for our companies to establish and develop in Mark, we lay the foundation for long-term growth which in turn contributes to increased welfare, development, cooperation between actors (both public & private) responsible for the labour markets, inclusion & integration, and the strengthening of economic equality between citizens and countering economic disparities between areas.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Work and Training programme provides the legal frame for supporting SOC (Servei Públic d'Ocupació de Catalunya). It is a long-term policy, currently under renewal. PI 5 is framed on it and it will be developed between 2024 and 2025. PI5 carries out projects improving the employability of workers with particular vulnerability and difficulties in accessing the labour market. Specifically PI5 line is reserved to people who have migrated from a third country and find themselves in an irregular administrative situation, but meet the requirements to process a temporal residency authorisation for social rooting reasons. Requirements are: Having a non-EU nationality; Proving a length of continuous stay; Lacking a criminal record.
It includes two subsidized actions: Labour recruitment (12-month full-time employment contracts) and Employment support (134 hours per work contract, optional).
Collaborator entities allowed to participate and hire the participants are: Non-profit organisations with a work centre in Catalonia and Catalan town councils or county councils.
The 2023 budget was 19M€, supported by the ESF+. A previous edition (2022) had an 8M€ budget.
For this edition, actions of ALCOL will be developed in a calendar of 18 months, until 2024. It has several phases, the key moments are: the awarding of funds (May 2023) and the development of projects by December 2024. ALCOL will continue and be renamed in Line Settlement Migrants.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The main focus of the Alliance for Lifelong Learning (BLLL) Baden-Württemberg ‘21–‘25 is the current structural change in society, business and politics, affecting all areas of life by digital, ecological, social transformation processes. BLLL is a long-term policy instrument established in 2011. It develops 5-year strategy plans. The PI will be renewed in 2025 until 2030, SALAM results will be incorporated in the BLLL renewal.
With the BLLL Baden-Württemberg, the actors in further education and the state government provide structural and financial support to foster lifelong learning. Among the long-term goals, educational and career guidance and more specifically the services of the Baden-Württemberg Network of Educational and Career Guidance (Landesnetzwerk Weiterbildungsberatung (LN WBB) are to be strengthened.
In the frame of migration flows, the LN WBB currently develops guidance strategies that address newly arrived immigrants, refugees, third-country nationals. The idea is to foster the integration of newcomers into the education system and the labour market “from day 1” and to combine this regional policy initiative with national German policy instruments of first orientation and integration. The strategy is based on these objectives:
- Support tailored access to educational offers (language/professional training, where possible in a dual structure)
- Reinforce the validation of formal and non-formal skills
- Promote fast-track access strategies to the labour market
Partners working on this policy instrument