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Study Visit in Warsaw, Poland, on February 7th and 8th.

By Project PROACTsme
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Next study visit took place on 7th and 8th of February to the Mazovia region, which was hosted by the Polish Partners: Mazovian Development Agency and Marshal's Office of the Mazovian Voivodeship in Warsaw.

On the first day, February 7th, the PROACTsme partners came together in the Center for Entrepreneurship Smolna in Warsaw, Poland. The aim of this study visit is to consolidate further exchange of knowledge in the second semester of the PROACTsme project, as well as get to know the Polish scope in terms of IA and good practices of the city.

The day started with a presentation from the Lead Partner OGE, as a brief update on the status of semester two. The day continued with a presentation of each partner and we had the opportunity to discuss the capacities and conditions for the implementation of the project results. After so, the Mazowieckie Voivodeship exposed about their status in terms of digitalization strategy.

The team continued learning about the good practices in the Polish scope. What did we learn?

  • The city council of Poland explained their scope in regards to their good practices. The first one was Warsaw Open Data Portal, which relies in the CKAN mechanism of data sharing as well as data using. Their focus is on flexibility, data quality and cooperation. Another good practice the city council of Warsaw puts forward is the Warsaw 19115 City Contact Center, as they collect data information from the city and transform it into public online and app services as well as public collective participation.
  • The City Council of Warsaw - Business and Innovation service provided an inside look into the I+D scope in Warsaw, Poland. The Warsaw’s ecosystem is built with the combination of big technological companies as well as innovative IT-focused start-ups.
  • The Ministry of Digitalization presented the Industry Contact Point from the research institute Lukasiewicz – PIAP. The broad innovation hub of this institute collects the Industry Contact Point Industry 4.0.
  • AI4MSP provided an in-depth explanation about the AI Maturity Index, which measures the IA readiness for business in order to asses a potential solution.

Fast forward to the afternoon, the partners the study visit also continued at the Polish Vodka Museum, where we learnt about the process of how Polish vodka is made as well as some Polish culture and history.

On February 8th, the PROACTsme partners gathered at Agencja Rozwoju Mazowsza S.A. on the second day of the study visit to learn about AI and its applications in the European and Polish scope. This presentation, condected by Mateusz Zenon Łępicki from Avenga, allowed the partners to have a broader knowledge about the current AI situation throughout Europe and Poland.

The presentation was followed by two thematic workshops:

In the first workshop, PROACTsme partners shared their knowledge about the topic of Degree of Digitalization of Public Services. In here partners discussed the available online businesses, its barriers and difficulties, as well how we can find any solutions to such.

As for the second workshop, it centered on how public organizations and civil servants can improve trust, education and visibility in terms of AI public services. Then some conclusion were drawn regarding the viability to improve current AI-based public services.

A thank you to our partners Mazovia Development Agency Plc. (Entrepreneurship and Investment Centre) and Marshal's Office of the Mazovian Voivodeship in Warsaw for hosting the Study Visit, as well as Mateusz Zenon Łępicki and Avenga for the participation and support to the project. Many thanks to  Generalitat de Catalunya, Møre og Romsdal fylkeskommune, Lietuvos inovacijų centras / Lithuanian Innovation Centre (LIC), Mazowsze akceleratorem globalnych przedsiębiorstw, Investor and Exporter Service Centre, ANATOLIKI S.A. Organization For Local Development, University of Limerick and Cecot for the participation!