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First Finnish dissemination event

By Project NEAR

On Wednesday the 24th of January the Finnish NEAR project team carried out our first dissemination event. They organised a workshop training for social services professionals and students about dialogic approach, in cooperation with specialists from the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare. Almost fifty attendants gathered in the LAB university of applied sciences to learn about dialogic approach and discuss about it in their own work or studies.

The idea of this training came up in the NEAR project visit to Pamplona, Spain, where our Finnish partner got introduced to training practice for professionals about dialogic approach. This is one example how we transfer good practices from one region to another!

After the event, they only got good feedback and people mentioned that they want more training like this in the future. Food for thought after an overall very succesful event. 

To conclude, we would like to share one thought from the event for you to think about: “How to listen so that other people want to speak, and how to speak so that other people want to listen?”


Study visit