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Regional Launching Conference in Poland


On October 6, 2023, the GREENHEALTH opening conference took place in the auditorium of the Horyniec Health Resort. The event gathered over 60 participants.

Anna Huk - Member of the Regional Management Board and Dorota Czyż - President of the Management Board of "Horyniec Health Resort” Ltd welcomed the guests.

The event kicked off with a preview of the short film : "Nature's Journey through the Nature Parks."


Ms. Anna Huk honored the winners of two art contests with prizes:

  • "Your Local Landscape" - organized by the Landscape Parks Complex in Przemyśl on the occasion of the annual Landscape Day holiday,

  • "Our Nature Paths 2023" - organized by the Department of Environmental Protection of the Marshal's Office of the Podkarpackie Region.

After the award ceremony, Antoni Jeż - regional coordinator of the GREENHEALTH project, introduced the project and its objectives.

Dr. Dominik Wróbel later introduced the topic of the ecological role of endangered natural habitats and their impact on the quality of human life.

The participants could also enjoy a photo exhibition during the lunch break.


"The World of Startled Owls" by Marek Trzeciak - a balneologist at the Horyniec Health Resort and passionate nature photographer - answered questions and revealed the behind-the-scenes of the creation of each photo.

During the afternoon representative from the medical sector as well as the health sector provided interesting insights on their work.

Kamil Grałek -  Regional Directorate of State Forests in Krosno – focused his input on "Healthy surroundings - biodiversity of economic forests on the territory of the Regional Directorate of State Forests in Krosno and Grzegorz Szafran -  Lubaczów Forest District provided an insight on the topic of "Protection of biodiversity in PGL State Forests on the Example of the Lubaczów Forest District".

Sławomir Szczepaniak - Chief Physician of Podkarpackie Region Health Resorts – hold the presentation : "Biodiversity and human health"

The last input was provided by Marek Trzeciak, who displayed a presentation created from photographs of his own authorship entitled: "Just a drop of water - biodiversity as seen through the eyes of a balneologist".

Ms. Anna Huk concluded the day and encouraged the audience to engage with GREENHEALTH project staff, to identify Good Practices that fit into the project's theme, and to actively participate in the project, i.e. participate in stakeholder meetings, apply for international workshops and study visits, use the Policy Learning Platform, subscribe to the project's newsletter and follow ongoing project activities through the website and Social Media channels.
