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1st Local Living Lab in Murcia gathers key stakeholders


On the 28th of April 2023, our Lead Partner - General Directorate for the Natural Environment of the Region of Murcia - gathered key stakeholders to introduce the GREENHEALTH project and gather inputs from the strongest subject matter actors of the territory.  The audience was very diverse and spammed from public institutions, universities and associations. The organisations attending included:

  • DG for Natural Environment of Murcia Region
  • EuroVértice Consultores, Murcia Region
  • Faculty of Law and the Department of the Environment of the Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM)
  • Agroeconatura T.S.E. association (network) from Sierra Sierra Espuña
  • Directorate General for Public Health and Addictions. Ministry of Health
  • Murcia College of Nursing
  • Murcia College of Biologists

The representatives of the DG for Natural Environment of Murcia Region welcomed the audience and provided for an introduction to the project, the context in which it has been drafted as well as its aspirations.

The project idea is stemming from perception of the need to adapt the management of Protected Areas to meet the demands of the population and contribute to the well-being of citizens without compromising environmental objectives.

DG for Natural Environment also took the opportunity to share some examples of work they had piloted in Murcia.

An example was the “healthy path” built in the proximity of the Virgen de la Arrixaca hospital, where patients can walk while reading interpretive panels connecting them with the five senses. In addition parents of newborns were given a tree to plant in El Valle, under the motto: “a child, a pine tree.”

A more recent example related to health and sustainable tourism is represented by the new “forest therapy” initiatives organised in the territory of Sierra Espuña.

Alongside this introduction the importance of mental health and the high relevance of having psychologists among the key stakeholders in GREENHEALTH was highlighted.

The importance of including environmental education applications during the implementation of the initiative was also emphasised.

The many inputs generated from the first discussion will be taken up for the following gatherings and engagement occasions.

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