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Partner's spotlight - AGADER

By Project Down to Earth
Spotlight AGADER

The Axencia Galega de Desenvolvemento Rural (AGADER - Galician Agency for Rural Development) is a regional public agency of the Xunta de Galicia that promotes and coordinates rural development in Galicia. They are the lead partner of Down to Earth. Through our project, their aim is to improve the quality and living conditions of rural inhabitants while contributing to the cohesion of the Galician territory. 

Through Down to Earth, AGADER will work on improving the Galician Act on the recovery of agrarian land (2021).

Discover more about this Act on our Policy Instruments page !

Our partnership will travel to Galicia during Semester 6, as part of a Study Visit linked with the theme of Year 3: Policy instruments to foster the role of farmers and land managers in fighting climate change and environmental risks. AGADER will also organise the third Down to Earth Thematic Conference, which will present the identified best practices related to the theme of Year 3.

Sustainable development