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Next Week's Interregional Meeting takes place in Navarre

Photo with a lot of greenery from Pamplona, Navarre, Spain.

Our 5th Interregional project meeting will take place next week 10-12 April 2024 in Pamplona, Spain, organised by our project partner Navarra Development Agency SODENA. We will deep dive into multiple good practices from Navarre and other DEBUTING regions, focus group discussions and the Smart Specialisation Strategy of Navarre, just to mention a few.


The first day will start with an introduction on Navarre and the region's Smart Specialisation Strategy (S4), Cluster Policy and clusters. These presentations will be followed by a presentations on Navarre's good practices; Equality Plans and a general outlook on the gender equality in Navarre as well as "Woman, Technology and Science Chair", a good practice from the Public University of Navarra. The first day will be finished with a steering committee, joint analysis workshop with a Karlstad University, ending with a dinner with the prject partners and stakeholders.


We will begin the second day with five good practices, some from Navarre and some from other DEBUTING regions. This will be followed by focus group discussions on gender budgeting, an application of gender mainstreaming in the budgetary process, and regional strategy. After lunch we will continue with a steering committee, a good practice on Navarre's R&D&I system and gender equality and finally a visit to Innovative Incubator Center and the Town Hall. 


Finally, the third day of the meeting will focus fully on learning through a workshop arranged by Karlastad University and team building, before we all head home over the weekend.


Remember to follow us on social media to hear about the latest updates from the meeting days in Pamplona!


Exchange of experience
Gender equality