2nd Interregional Partner Meeting | November 6+7 2024

Event Overview
Event: 2nd Partners’ Interregional Meeting of the CIVITEC project.
Dates: 6-7 November 2024.
Venue: Antiguo Hospital de San Juan de Dios, Jaén, Spain.
Day 1: Wednesday, 6 November 2024
10:30–11:00: Reception and registration.
11:00: Opening, welcome, and agenda presentation by Jaén County Council (P5).
11:15: Presentation on Jaén's CIVITEC context and ambitions, with a moderated roundtable on equality, social policies, and youth.
11:45: Contributions from two project partners (speakers TBC).
12:15: Workshop on CIVITEC tools and participatory strategies referencing OECD guidelines.
13:15: Session wrap-up.
13:30: Lunch break.
15:00: Steering Committee report.
15:30: Discussion on good practices and project communication.
16:15: Overview and demonstration of participatory democracy methodologies and civic tech tools, followed by a small group participatory exercise.
17:50: Wrap-up of the day.
20:00: Dinner.
Day 2: Thursday, 7 November 2024
09:00–09:20: Reception and registration.
09:20: Introduction to CIVITEC and the day’s programme.
09:30: Participatory workshop on smart neighbourhoods and stakeholder engagement.
10:15: University of Jaén session focusing on people at risk of poverty and social exclusion (AROPE).
11:00: Break.
11:20: Round tables showcasing good practices from CIVITEC partners using participatory methodologies and civic tech.
12:00: CIVITEC workshop with Jaén stakeholders to explore civic tech applications for local priorities.
13:15: Session wrap-up.
13:30: Lunch break.
15:00: Peer review and analysis of the meeting.
16:30: Discussion on next meetings and activities.
17:30: Event close.
Key Focus Areas
Strengthening civic inclusion and participatory decision-making through digital transformation.
Showcasing tools and methodologies for local engagement.
Collaborating with local stakeholders to address regional priorities.
Representatives from CIVITEC project partners across 12 organisations spanning Europe, including local government bodies, regional development agencies, and academic institutions.
Expected Outcomes
Enhanced knowledge-sharing on civic tech applications.
Identified strategies to promote inclusive decision-making processes.
Defined next steps for the project’s progress.