Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region is an Italian region with particular forms of autonomy, such as legislative powers. The policy instrument addressed in this proposal is the Regional Law 23/2015, which focuses on the preservation and valorisation of cultural heritage, which is considered a fundamental objective for regional governance. In specific, the Law disciplines interventions on museums, intangible and tangible cultural heritage, libraries and archives.
Indeed, museums are offered financial support for the valorization of their cultural heritage, the improvement of their public attractiveness and the intensification of their educational and research activities. Moreover, FVG AR accords 100% grants for the investments incurred for museums’ maintenance and digital innovation. The Regional government also supports the development of Eco museums through 90% grants covering management activities, and the museums which are part of the Regional Ethnographic Historical and Social Museum with 100% grants. Finally, other contributions are provided to archeological heritage sites, libraries and associations.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Lake Balaton Priority Area is a regional development unit (grounded by the 1996. XXI. Act) covering 180 municipalities around the Lake Balaton, covering the territory of 3 counties.
The addressed policy instrument is the development plan for this region for the period 2021-2027. The plan contains specific interventions and measures to be implemented with dedicated development funds.
The main objective of the regional development is to make the Lake Balaton area dynamic, to boost the sustainable economy.
The project is linked to the fourth priority of the policy instrument concerning to economic development. Within this, it relates to priority axes 4.2 Creative industries and 4.3 Enterprise development.
For axis 4.2, interventions related to the project are planned:
- Modernisation of the operating conditions of traditional crafts and craft enterprises, support for technological development;
- Knowledge transfer, training of young people, increasing resilience;
- Development of a quality control system for handicraft products in Balaton;
- Specific support for the establishment of the creative industries sector in urban areas;
- Creative industries investment promotion and marketing;
For axis 4.3, the following interventions should be considered:
- Encouraging local and regional business cooperation;
- Promoting diversification of entrepreneurial activities;
- Entrepreneurship training, awareness raising, mediation of entrepreneurial generation change;
Partners working on this policy instrument

The vision of the ROP of Western Greece is to provide a holistic strategy for the transformation of the Region into a fair, smart and efficient European Region, which will be a hyperlocal hub of technology, innovation, research and creativity, a model of social solidarity and cohesion, a place of promotion of volunteerism and culture.
Through the establishment and the improvement of the ROP, the RWG aims to become a body for decision-making, implementing socially and spatially equitable policies, utilizing the available technological tools and improving its administrative readiness. T
The policy instrument is on the way (under submission in EU) of the approval for the new programing period 2021-2027 . The strategic aim is "Improving competitiveness in production, strengthening entrepreneurship in terms of innovation, extroversion and digital reinforcement" and the draft specific objectives are i. Reaping the benefits of digitization for citizens, companies, research organizations and public authorities"
ii. Developing skills for smart specialization, industrial transition and entrepreneurship",
iii. Developing and enhancing research and innovation capacities and the uptake of advanced technologies".
iv. "Developing and enhancing research and innovation capacities and the uptake of advanced technologies"
v. "Enhancing sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs and job creation in SMEs, including by productive investments"
Partners working on this policy instrument

In 2016 the district's parliamentary assembly (Kreistag) voted in favour of the elaboration of an Integration Concept (in German: Integrationskonzept des Burgenlandkreises). The concept was formally approved in December 2017 and revised in 2018. The concept specifies the role of migration and integration for the district and sets principles for its administrative management through the district's Migration Agency (the only one of its kind in Germany). Further chapters deal with the reception of arriving non-EU nationals, housing, education and collaboration with civil society actors. Chapter 5 of the Integration Concept is dedicated to the labour market integration of non-EU nationals residing in the Burgenland district.
In 2023 the district is expected to initiate the revision of the Integration concept (to be finalised in 2024 or 2025). The learning of MILEstone can therefore be directly adopted and integrated. The revised Integration Concept will be subject to a vote of approval by the district's parliamentary assembly.
The concept is underpinned by financial resources financing the staff of the district's Migration Agency and projects. The latter are implemented by the Migration Agency itself or the agency provides financing to other organisations commissioned to conduct the projects on its behalf.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Kainuu Regional Programme is a four-year regional programme confirmed for each municipal election period, steering functional development measures in the region. It contains tangible objectives and measures of development for the near future. Implementation of the Regional Programme is monitored regularly, and the programme is revised in each four years. The development priorities of Kainuu identified in the regional programme are boosting the know-how of businesses, increasing accessibility, regional and international cooperation, promoting residents’ cultural wellbeing, creating a positive image of the region and stronger cultural identity. The main strategic objective for the CCI in the programme is "the cultural and creative sectors are growing and their know-how and regional economic impact are strengthening". The strategic measures for the target 2022–2025 are: Kainuu's cultural sector, attractiveness and attractiveness will be strengthened; Supporting the continuity, renewal and creation of new business in Kainuu's contemporary cultural actors and established cultural events; Strengthen CCI's product development, marketing and business expertise; Utilize the international visibility gained by Kainuu's culture; Creating active networks; Support cultural exports; Develop cultural tourism based on cultural heritage; Supporting the accessibility and visibility of cultural services both for well-being of local residents and attracting new residents and tourists.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The main purpose of the strategy is to provide a friendlier environment for young people, which is a necessary step towards improving their position in the community and consequently leads to sustainable social development.
The reason for adopting the Local Program for Youth in the Municipality of Postojna 2018-2024 (Lokalni program za mladino v občini Postojna 2018-2024) is to fill the tasks of the city in the field of public interest in the youth sector with comprehensive regulation of the situation of young people in the municipality, providing conditions for continuous participation of young people in decision-making on important issues for them in the local community and accelerating the development of local youth policy in order to provide conditions for successful achievement of youth autonomy in the local community.
As Postojna hosts Slovenia's welcoming facility for young unaccompanied minor refugees, the strategy emphasises the objective of that group's long-term integration into the local society and labour market.
Measures included in the strategy are for example:
- Measure 2.b: ensuring the implementation of internships and internships for young people in municipal administration and public institutions
- Measure 3.2.a: special treatment of young people in the business incubator with the perspective and creation of a supportive environment for creative industries
- Measure 3.2.b: implementation of educational and counseling programs for youth entrepreneurship
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Zemgale Planning Region Development Program are regional policy development planning documents that serve as guidelines for the implementation of regional development planning documents and the development of local development planning documents for the region. The strategic part of the development program defines nine medium-term development priorities, sets directions for action to achieve the development priorities and results to be achieved.
P1 Quality, accessible, multifaceted lifelong learning
P2 Social inclusion and health promotion
P3 Competitiveness and growth of enterprises
P4 Smart mobility and infrastructure
P5 Climate change environment and circular economy
P6 Modern and accessible service system
P7 Cultural environment and identity,
P8 Civil society and active communities
P9 Public safety
Topic of the Project corresponds to 4 priorities of the ZPR Development programme and has wide influence: P7, direction of action 7.3. Development of culture and creative industries. P3, directions of action 3.1.Development of an attractive environment for business and arrangement of infrastructure, 3.5. Promote local and global competitiveness. P1, direction of actions 1.2. Individualisation of the educational process and interdisciplinary cooperation for educational excellence, development of learners' innovations, technological skills and creativity; 1.5. Development of research and scientific potential. P6, direction of action 6.3. Strengthening management capacity.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Beleidsnota 2020-2025 defines the concrete objectives and actions for the region aimed at realizing the transitions, described in the memorandum
'Leiedal 2035' and the ambitions from the 'Regional spatial vision'. The concrete objectives and actions for the region are bundled into five transition lines and translated for Leiedal to the tasks and roles that need to be realised in creative and innovative partnerships. The 5 transition lines are:
- Accessibility
- Liveable communities
- Enterpreneurial and creative region
- Climateneutrality
- Spaceneutrality
The valorisation of the natural and cultural heritage within the region of Leiedal is hereby a top priority. Moreover, creative industries and interior design are very important and strongly supported. These results in different initiatives in cooperation with the industrial partners and local authorities. Some examples are : Design Regio Kortrijk ( https://designregio-kortrijk.be/en/), the Biennale Interieur (October 2022 https://interieur.be/venue/) and the bachelor study for digital arts and entertainment at Howest.
The work within the project is related to each of the 5 transition lines.
Partners working on this policy instrument

ROP Centru is an ERDF - funded programme, built according to the Cohesion Policy 2021-2027 and contains investments related to all 5 policy objectives. The programme's strategic vision is to ensure that Centru Region becomes a cleaner and more attractive region for its inhabitants and tourists, with a competitive economy based on knowledge and innovation in which the environmental care and the rational and sustainable use of resources will be the goal of every citizen. The focus under PI 1, the policy instrument tackled, is to support investments in the RIS3 sectors by unlocking the innovative potential of the regional business and R&I infrastructures. The actions included under PI 1, SO a(i) “Developing and enhancing research and innovation capacities and the uptake of advanced technologies”, aims at strengthening the regional RDI capacity and support the cooperation among R&I and private infrastructure in order to create new or improved products, processes, practices, methods or services in line with RIS3 priorities. Within this SO, partnerships and collaborative programmes are envisaged and the integration of the regional stakeholders in knowledge communities and support of international/interregional partnerships are supported.
Partners working on this policy instrument