Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
The ROP Western Greece 2021-2027 aims to contribute to the strategic vision of the region to achieve smart, sustainable and inclusive economic and social development, and improve its resilience to global and national challenges. The development priorities set by the region include the a) development of integrated governance models and the modernization of public services & infrastructures, b) economic diversification and the cultivation of an enabling environment for investments, c) climate change adaptation and resource efficiency, d) reinforcement of research, technological development and innovation, and e) preservation and valorisation of natural and cultural assets. Developing RES technologies retains a central plank in the ROP, to act as a fulcrum for sustainable territorial development and deliver on national energy targets for 2030.
BIOWIND will address:
SO2: Environmental protection, climate change adaptation, energy efficiency and circular economy
A2.2: RES proliferation
Measures: Regional energy resource map & poverty observatory, energy storage and grid networks
A2.7: Environmental protection & local biodiversity conservation
Measures: Community engagement in biodiversity conservation; awareness raising on climate change and energy efficiency
SO5: Sustainable local development through integrated interventions
A5.2: Promoting integrated planning, social cohesion and inclusive socioeconomic territorial development in rural areas
Measures: Energy communities
Partners working on this policy instrument

The regional development plan (2021-2027), the highest hierarchically policy instrument in the region, aims at promoting smart, sustainable and inclusive economic growth by harnessing its competitive potential, fostering smart specialisation and improving its capacity to provide a sustainable, attractive and resilient environment to work and live in. The regional plan addresses the major development challenges for Zemgale Region with a view to national and global complexities (e.g., COVID-19 pandemic, geopolitics): SMEs competitiveness, climate change adaptation, low carbon economy, resource efficiency, digitalisation of public services, smart mobility, cultural and environmental protection, high-quality and accessible education, social inclusiveness and public safety.
BIOWIND addresses the following priority, specific objectives and types of actions and sub-actions prescribed in the development plan:
Priority 5: Climate change adaptation and circular economy
SO5.1: Promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy production
A5.1.4: Increasing the share of energy produced by RES in the region, using local resource availability (solar, wind, geothermal energy, biomass)
A5.1.4.4: Research for wind energy and wind park development activities
A5.1.4.5: Joint initiatives for RES exploitation and increased energy efficiency
SO5.2: Biodiversity conservation
A5.2.2: Promoting integrated landscape planning
A5.2.2.1-2: Development and coordination of municipal spatial plans
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Regional Programme (RP) is a 4 -year implementation plan (2022-2025) of South Ostrobothnia’s regional strategy extending to 2050. It supports the region to achieve its short term development objectives, facilitating the transition towards a low-carbon, digital and more inclusive economy. The transformative potential of the RP is the combination of reforms and investments aimed to address specific regional challenges (e.g., demographics, innovation performance), and further valorise strengths and competitive advantages (e.g., energy efficient systems, bio-economy). In particular, the RP intends to facilitate the decarbonisation of the regional economy, accelerate digitalisation and modernise public services, foster economic diversification and promote innovation capacity, extroversion and resilience of key specialisation sectors. Particular emphasis is given to resource efficiency and climate change adaptation, as it prioritises the establishment of an integrated, smart energy system based on renewables. The programme receives a combined amount of EUR 79.2 million from the ERDF and EUR 11.09 million from the ESF.
BIOWIND tackles the following priorities and measures:
M1. Land use planning and zoning for RES projects
M2. Zero-emission production methods, and clean energy technologies
M3. Energy infrastructures: Transmission and distribution networks, RES storage systems
M4. Smart sector integration in energy systems
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy 2020-2032 (RSES) provides a high-level development framework for the Northern and Western Region that supports the implementation of the National Planning Framework (NPF). RSES provides a 12-year roadmap to address the territorial challenges and priorities for a low carbon, climate-resilient and environmentally sustainable economy, building on regional strengths and emphasizing on key growth opportunities and innovative sectors, in line with its smart specialisation strategy. It prescribes Regional Policy Objectives around 5 strategic priorities (compact growth, environment, connectivity, quality of life, infrastructures), acknowledging wind as a building block for resource efficiency and green energy transition.
BIOWIND will address:
Growth Ambition: Economy and Employment
Cluster/Sector: Renewable energy and low carbon future
RPO 4.16: Identification of potential renewable energy sites of scale in collaboration with Local Authorities and
RPO 4.17: Position the region to avail of the emerging global market in renewable energy through investments in transmission/distribution grids, R&D on RES technologies/systems, skills development, and public awareness.
RPO 4.18: Development of secure, reliable and safe supplies of renewable energy
RPO 4.19: Development of offshore wind energy production in line with environmental, ecological and landscape considerations
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Spatial Policy Plan 2019-2030 provides the strategic direction for the development of the Flemish Brabant Province, reflecting on actual and future territorial specific decarbonisation needs, growth priorities and challenges (e.g., demographics, rural construction). The plan provides the framework for the spatial development of the region, with the aim to maximise the benefits of infrastructural investment and landscaping, in an effort to bring about a more balanced spatial development, ultimately contributing to climate change adaptation, resource efficiency, environmental sustainability, social cohesion and inclusive economic growth. The plan advocates for a network of interconnected urban and rural land uses, to secure the sustainable use of the available space and preserve the landscape identity, prescribing actions on 6 priority areas: Mobility, Living Environment, Public Services, Economic Activity, Open Space and Energy.
BIOWIND will address the following policy measures under the “Energy” Priority Area:
P1. Renewables opportunities mapping
P2. Reducing energy requirements through strategic spatial planning and smart mobility
P3. Installation of wind turbines in open spaces & industrial parks, in line with applicable planning, technical, environmental and socioeconomic criteria and constraints.
P4. Development of an integrated energy system based on renewables and upgraded energy storage, transmission and distribution systems.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Central Danube Priority Area Operational Programme aims to foster economic development in the newly developed Central Danube region and contribute to achieving the national priorities for smart specialization, digitalization and green energy transition. It seeks to strengthen R&D and business creation, increase circularity and energy efficiency, modernise public services, and support integrated concepts for sustainable urban development. The outlines the development needs of the 99 municipalities, organised around 6 priorities: a) infrastructures (municipal waste management), b) economic development (digitalisation, smart specialisation), c) tourism (valorisation of natural and cultural assets, upgrading of tourism infrastructures), d) green transition (clean mobility, building retrofitting, RES development), e) urban development (health and welfare, digitalisation of public services), and f) human development (education, inclusiveness). Given the multidimensional nature of wind energy planning, BIOWIND will address actions in 3 different development priorities of the OP:
A20: Clean energy production and smart grid solutions (~5.2 mil. euros)
A29: Social cohesion and community-based initiatives (~2.6 mil. euros)
A42: Raising awareness on environmental sustainability (~1.8 mil. euros)
A57: Establishment of a regional energy competence centre (~1.3 mil. euros)
Partners working on this policy instrument

The European Fund Programme for Świętokrzyskie Region 2021-2027 is the main programming instrument for realizing the region’s development goals with a view to 2030 targets. It identifies regional strengths and needs, and defines the development priorities and types of actions to be evaluated for funding. The Programme provides support on 10 priority areas; particular emphasis is placed on energy efficiency and environmental protection, with a combined budget of 417 million euros for relevant interventions (~30% of the total funding).
SO2.2: Promotion of renewable energies
Actions: i) construction/expansion of RES installations, ii) upgrading of storage, transmission & distribution facilities
Funding: 126.8 mil. euros
SO2.7: Strengthening environmental protection, biodiversity conservation and green infrastructure
Actions: i) restoration of natural habitats & species populations, ii) updating of planning documents for protected areas, iii) environmental education & awareness raising activities
Financing: 40 mil. euros
SO5.2: Promoting integrated planning, social cohesion and inclusive socioeconomic territorial development
Types of interventions: Development of community-led development strategies/initiatives
Funding: 55 mil. euros
SO4.4: Supporting the adaptation of employees to change
Types of interventions: Workforce reskilling for the green economy
Funding: 32.9 mil. euros
Partners working on this policy instrument

The just energy transition strategy is the main policy instrument of the autonomous community of Asturia to promote the transformation of the regional energy sector from fossil-based to zero-carbon, via the establishment of an integrated energy system based on renewables and clean energy technologies, and in accordance with the national energy and climate plan. The Community Energy Transition Strategy prescribes 62 measures, organised around four interconnected transformative pathways: a) energy supply diversification and security, b) sustainable energy consumption, c) decarbonisation of regional economy and establishment of an ecosystem of (energy) technological innovation, and d) just and inclusive energy transition.
BIOWIND will address the following objectives and measures:
OBJ1: Advance RES use in the region (M1.1.2, M1.4.1)
OBJ4: Improve administrative procedures for energy transition projects (M1.4.1-2)
OBJ8: Create a more distributed energy model (M2.8.2)
OBJ11: Stimulate R&D in clean energy technologies (M3.11.1-2)
OBJ12: Promote citizen participation in the energy system (M4.12.1-2)
OBJ15: Raise awareness and educate on green energy transition (M4.15.1-3)
OBJ16: Foster an integrated approach to energy planning (M5.16.3-4)
Partners working on this policy instrument

The objective of the ERDF Programme is to promote smart, sustainable and inclusive economic development in the Region of Murcia, and increase resilience to external pressures (e.g., energy crises, pandemic, environmental disasters, geopolitical developments) that challenge the long-term development, prosperity and well-being of the autonomous community. The ROP aims to harness the region’s transformative potential and improve its capacity to provide an attractive, sustainable, clean and inclusive environment, with a view to smart specialisation and business innovation, digitisation, circular economy, energy efficiency, climate change adaptation, environmental protection, and human resource development. BIOWIND addresses the following policy priority (PP), specific objectives (SO), and types of financed actions:
SO2.1: Promotion of energy efficiency and carbon emissions reduction
Actions: i) studies on renewables resource assessment, ii) dissemination actions to promote RES use.
SO2.2: Promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources
Actions: i) development of sustainable models of energy production from renewables, ii) construction of RES production parks.
SO2.7: Environmental protection, conservation of local biodiversity and ecological infrastructures
Actions: i) management of protected areas, ii) conservation of the “Mar Menor” ecosystem (part of the marine region “Levantino-Balear” designated for offshore wind installations)