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Cluster Stakeholder Meeting at aws

By Project AccelerateGDT

In the project ‘Realign Cluster Policies to Accelerate the Twin Green and Digital Transitions,' or Accelerate GDT, aws is a project partner who engaged Technopolis to carry out the ‘Austrian Cluster Ecosystem Case Study Analysis.' 

To present the results of this analysis, aws have organised a meeing of their local stakeholder group on the 26.02.2024 from 11:00 – 14:00 CET. The stakeholder meeting will take place at aws new location ‘Vio Plaza’. Political stakeholders   and several cluster managers from Austrian cluster organizations already confrimed their attendence. The  Green Tech Valley Cluster will be an essential part of the stakeholder meeting.

The Green Tech Valley is located in the south of Austria and is internationally regarded as the #1 hotspot for innovative energy and environmental technology. It embodies a concentrated innovative force in solar energy, biomass, hydro-electric power and recycling systems. Within the Valley, around 300 companies and research institutions are shaping the green solutions of the future. With 20 global technology leaders within an hour’s drive, the location forms one of the highest concentrations of companies in this industry.

With the European Green Deal, the EU is aiming to become the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. With corresponding laws and changes, new tasks and new opportunities are arising for SMEs and large companies in the green transformation. Annual reporting obligations, new standards, import rules and investment logics will come your way in the coming months and years. We have outlined how you as a company can implement the legal regulations and benefit from opportunities such as new sales, personnel and financing on the Green Transformation Map. For both SMEs and large companies, you will find the individual steps from to 2026 and beyond. https://www.greentech.at/tools/green-transformation-map/

The Green Transformation Cards provide fast and effective support to companies on the path to climate neutrality. In the Green Transformation Cards, you find 10 categories with around 100 suggested measures for the green transformation of your company. The Green Transformation Canvas is also available virtually and interactively, the Cards are being used by more than 5,000 companies and consultants in 20 countries. https://www.greentech.at/tools/green-transformation-cards/

The new Reallabor Weiz plus is a current best practice for green transformation in Green Tech Valley. The content and technological focus of the activities of the future real-world laboratory will be on all energy-relevant sectors (heating, electricity, cooling), with a focus on energy efficiency and the replacement of fossil fuels in buildings, trade and industry as well as mobility.Technological innovations (system solutions) for companies are investigated and tested in the funded project FossilFree4Industry under the leadership of AEE INTEC. https://www.aee-intec.at/fossilfree4industry-phase-out-of-fossil-gas-for-the-industry-p365

During the stakeholder meeting, the Green Transformation Map and the Green Transformation Cards will be presented after the ‘Austrian Cluster Ecosystem Case Study Analysis’ will be presented by Alessio Giustolisi, Technopolis.

The meeting will conclude with aws will pitch its sustainability and digital funding programmes (e.g. PreSeed / Seed Deep Tech) to update cluster managers with the latest financial support for SMEs.
