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Urban development for a positive growth

By Project UrbanCOOP
Meeting about urban sustainability

Since the interactions between institutional and policy context can move us towards either a more virtuous circle of development with more equitable growth, empowered communities, liveable spaces and reduced (or at least controlled) levels of pollution or the reverse, the involvement of different stakeholders and their contribution in solving urban problems is crucial.

For this reason, at the beginning of April, Gabrovo Municipality organized the third stakeholder group meeting in the field of urban growth and sustainability. The event gathered representatives of institutions involved in environmental protection, research and knowledge provision, social partners and employers. Together with Mayor Tanya Hristova and the project team, they discussed different ways for improving their partnership.

The municipal utility companies "Blagoustoyavane" and "Regional landfill for non-hazardous waste" declares that the communication with their owner - the Municipality of Gabrovo, was due and constructive. As specialized units, they perform many of the activities related to green infrastructure and cleanliness – key elements for the city development.

Municipal Community Transport informed that currently 90% of the bus fleet had been renewed and is gradually switching to electric bus transportation. A new project financed under the National Plan for Recovery and Sustainability would introduce electric buses for the transport intercity lines between Gabrovo and Sevlievo.

Technical University - Gabrovo and Regional Innovation Center "Ambitious Gabrovo" are long-term partners of the municipality under numerous projects related to innovation, education and development. This partnership is about to continue with the implementation of the integrated territorial investment "Gabrovo - center of innovation, education and entrepreneurship", which includes reconstruction, renovation and construction of several public buildings, establishment of Center for digital skills and innovations, "House of the future" with production hall and co-working space "Sixth Neighborhood".

The need to restore the traditionally strong relations with the Nature Park "Bulgarka" from previous periods was also identified. The future cooperation will focus on the development of "Uzana" area, the restoration and construction of eco-paths.

The joint work with the Regional Directorate "Labor Bureau" and the Regional Center for Social Economy related to the realization of the future integrated territorial investments would be concerned with providing contacts with employers and human resources. Timely information about calls and opportunities under national programs is also of paramount importance to secure additional funding.


Green infrastructure
Urban area
Urban development