Fostering Collaboration for a Better Future

On the 19.10.2023 at the Municipality of San Secondo di Pinerolo, a meeting among the participants in aggregation n. 7 - Pinerolese of the Urban Area Strategies (SUA) of the PR-FESR 20121-2027 and the local stakeholders took place, with tha aim of promoting practical comparison actions for the preparation of the Urban Area Strategy.
The work proposed during the meeting aimed, through the use of focus groups, to create collective visions of the future, at the level of horizontal alliances, between points of view and contexts that are sometimes distant but which have shared objectives of possible development in the territory. Indeed, most urban development is dependent on different actors working alongside one another.
Urban cooperation can be the key to solving urban problems. The complex nature of cities implies that various dimensions of one problem are interlinked, mutually reinforcing each other. For this reason, solving urban questions requires cross-sectoral integrated strategies, built on a wider information base, and tackled through more collaborative governance. Creating integrated strategies means covering gaps and blind spots in policy-making, and reconciling urban planning with other urban-related policy sectors. As a metter of facts, the event was also aimed at laying the foundations for the creation of a group dynamic which, around paths generated in a participatory manner, can act proactively and harmoniously in the interest of the territory.