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1st RSG Meeting at APESA with the Region Nouvelle-Aquitaine

By Project SYSTOUR

The first Stakeholder meeting was organised jointly by APESA and the Region Nouvelle-Aquitaine with regional institutional partners of the tourist sector :

Comité Régional du Tourisme Nouvelle-Aquitaine (CRT) 

The Tourism Regional Comitee is a regional organisation that operates the public strategy of the Region Nouvelle-Aquitaine related to tourism. Part of its mission is the generation and orientation of touristic flows. 

Tourism Lab – ADI 
Launched by the Region Nouvelle Aquitaine, the Tourisme Lab organises events, challenges, business tours, … to create a fertile environement for innovation. The Lab also triggers experimentations through different calls for projects and offers ressources to help the local actors to consolidate their solution and scale it up.

La MONA is the regional representant of the local tourism offices. The association seeks to stimulate territories through the development of local competencies and the consolidation of a strong network of the local offices. 

Tourism sector Nouvelle-Aquitaine
L’interfilière (Intersector) combines the hotel sector, the camping sector and social tourism sector in an effort to share experiences and lead a common strategy.

By their broad overview of the sector’s challenges and developed responses, this group of actors forms a restricted perimeter of stakeholders that will be consulted throughout the project’s life. Two sessions were conducted :  

May 26th : presentation of the project

  • Presentation of the objectives, partners and calendar of the projects. 
  • Discussions of the three main dimensions of the project (mobility, digital connexion and cultural immersion in territories)
  • Collective definition of the criterias to consider for the good practices’ identification

Between thw two meetings collection and treatment of the information shared by partners complemented by APESA’s own research was done.

June 16th : presentation of the GP’s and discussions

  • Feedbacks on the practices identified by the regional stakeholders
  • Validation of a first selection of best practices 

This first selection issued from the regional view on the topic of sustainable tourism will be completed by further practices that are yet to be identified at the public level. 

Sustainable tourism