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New report! State of shared mobility in Wallonia

By Project SMAPE

Our partner, the Organizing Authority for Public and Shared Transport of Wallonia (SPW MI) has produced a state of shared mobility solutions in Wallonia. The aim was to take stock of the solutions currently available on the territory, in order to demonstrate the usefulness of an action plan dedicated to shared mobility, along the lines of the Cycling Plan and Pedestrian Plan already in effect.

Indeed, it is clear that the current development trajectory of shared mobility solutions is insufficient to meet the objectives set, and covers the territory in an inequitable manner. 

These objectives are those of the FAST vision 2030- fluidity, accessibility, health/safety, modal transfer -, transcribed into 10 strategic orientations in the Regional Mobility Strategy. Among these orientations, shared mobility is a fully-fledged link in the travel chain, ensuring that tomorrow's mobility is less centered on the use of individual cars. Shared mobility solutions are complementary and essential to collective mobility. 

The 50-page state of shared mobility solutions covers each of the following the following themes: 

  • Bike sharing 
  • On demand transport 
  • Taxis and VLC 
  • Carpooling
  • Car sharing 

Implementing shared mobility solutions or supporting this implementation cannot be done without addressing the physical integration of these solutions which materializes in the territory through the development of mobility hubs (“mobipôles” and “mobipoints”), and the digital integration of these solutions which translates into MaaS (Mobility as a Service).     

This is why the state-of-play also includes these dimensions: 

  • Mobipôles 
  • MaaS 

For each of these components, the following points are covered: 

  1. Definition
  2. Services 
  3. Key numbers 
  4. Impact 
  5. Regional support 
  6. Strategic link and the legal framework 
  7. Inspirations outside Wallonia 
  8. Ecosystem priorities 

The state of shared mobility was therefore the first step in the construction of a concrete action plan for shared mobility in Wallonia, which will create the right conditions for the development of multiple shared mobility solutions, seeking maximum coherence and complementarity with the development of active mobility on the one hand, and collective mobility on the other, and contributing to the objective of a fair and inclusive transition of mobility.  

Read the report here



Last mile transport
Public transport
Regional policy
Sustainable mobility
Urban mobility