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First Local Stakeholder Meeting in Latvia

By Project ShareRES

Energy communities are well known in other parts of Europe, but in Latvia the concept and the movement are relatively new. The basic legal framework has only been in place since this year and is still to be developed with more specific organizational and technical provisions.
Thus, the first local stakeholder meeting, held on the 12th of September 2023, was an excellent opportunity for all participants to continue the discussion on the barriers and difficulties in the development of energy communities and to provide suggestions and solutions to be put forward to decision makers.

The local stakeholder meeting brought together a diverse group of participants, including policy makers, project implementers, energy experts, activists, and municipal representatives. The event attracted more than 40 participants online and face-to-face, underlining the presence of stakeholders who are open to collaboration in shaping policy and support the development of new energy community initiatives.

After introducing the ShareRES project speakers briefly discussed past and ongoing energy community projects and initiatives, covering research, policy analysis, networking, and pilots. The Ministry of Climate and Energy then presented a draft proposal for the energy community bylaw, crucial for implementing practical energy community projects. Finalizing this proposal will require addressing key details such as proximity requirements, capacity limits, grid tariffs, legal contracts, and billing systems, all of which are national-level concerns. However, considering regional planning perspectives can help bridge the gap between regulatory frameworks and practical energy community projects.

The Ministry of Climate and Energy's presentation of a draft regulation and discussions on technical and economic aspects provided a better understanding of Latvia's energy community legal framework. This sets the stage for upcoming public hearings, where expert input will enhance the final proposal and shape community projects. The meeting has revitalized and expanded the network of energy community advocates across public, private, and civic sectors. The aim is to support knowledge exchange, informed discussions, and public involvement in policy-making, fostering innovative and cost-effective energy community projects in various municipalities within the Riga Planning Region.

Renewable energy