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100% Funding opportunity for communities in Co. Donegal (IE)

By Project ShareRES

The Climate Action Fund was established to provide assistance and financial support to projects which will help Ireland achieve its climate and energy targets. The Climate Action Fund will provide at least €500 million in government funding up to 2027 towards this aim. The Fund will provide support for innovative initiatives which may not otherwise be possible to accomplish. The Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications  is responsible for the management of the Fund.
The Community Climate Action Programme will see €61.5 million from the Climate Action Fund invested in community climate action projects and initiatives, as well as capacity building, over a number of years.
Under Strand 1 "Action: Building Low Carbon Communities" €24 million is being provided from the Climate Action Fund to all local authorities to partner with community groups to run projects that will contribute to national climate and energy targets.

The Community Climate Action Programme is a new programme to support small and large, rural and urban communities to take climate action at a local level. Donegal County Council in association with the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications, will provide funding to local communities for projects that promote community climate action.
The objective of the Community Climate Action Programme   is to build low carbon, sustainable communities, which will, in turn contribute to the national climate and energy targets. 

Donegal County Council have been given an allocation of €699,000 for projects under Strand 1 - Action: Building Low Carbon Communities.  Under this strand communities will carry out projects that have a direct climate action impact.  A number of projects will be selected from across the county which demonstrate the delivery of national climate action at local level in Donegal.  There is 100% funding available for projects.  The programme is an opportunity for groups to take a holistic approach in making their community less carbon intensive and more sustainable for the future.  It is open to a range of community groups, from those new to climate action to those with more experience.
This funding is part of the Community Climate Action Programme, which supports projects and initiatives that facilitate climate action within local communities. The fund is open to not-for-profit community groups and clubs.
The Community Climate Action Programme can fund 100% of all eligible costs for the project and there are three project sizes eligible:
•    Small scale projects < €20,000
•    Medium scale projects €20,000 to €50,000
•    Large scale projects €51,000 to €100,000

Projects must deliver a direct positive impact on climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and/or helping communities adapt to the consequences of climate change.  
The 5 themes of the programme are as follows with some examples of projects that may be applied for:
Theme 1: Community & Energy
LED community lighting, small renewable energy projects (solar / hydro / wind), rainwater harvesting, retrofitting community buildings (windows & doors, insulation, LED lighting, heat pumps).
Theme 2: Sustainable Travel
Cycle parking / racks, improving cycle way access, safe and active routes to schools, eCargo bikes, bike repair hubs.
Theme 3: Food and waste
Community composting facilities, community gardens / allotments, community fridges.
Theme 4: Shopping and recycling
Swap shops, water filling stations, single use plastics elimination, musical instrument reuse, paint recycling, toy library.
Theme 5: Local climate and environmental action
Climate resilience - measures to reduce harmful effects of extreme climate events such as planted mounds to slow flood water, constructed storm water wetlands. Mini forests, dispersed orchards (fruit trees), community gardens, roof gardens, pollinator projects.
A project may comprise several of the suggested project types as set out in themes 1 to 5 above. While these themes provide suggestions for the types of projects which may be funded, applicants are not limited to selecting these project types and are encouraged to explore innovative projects that meet the objective of the Programme. Applications will close on  22nd March 2024.

Climate change