After 5 years of fruitful exchange of expertise and local innovation on urban policies in favor of climate issues, MOLOC is coming to an end. 
The Final conference will be the opportunity to look back on what has been achieved and highlight the main results of the partnership!

Link to join the meeting 
Agenda : 

17:00 Official Welcome – Introduction Audrey Linkenheld – Deputy Mayor of Lille 
17:15 State of play of Interregional Cooperation - Vincenzo Capocasale - Joint Secretariat - Interreg Europe Program
17:25 MOLOC in a nutshell - Marine Laborde – Project Coordinator - City of Lille
17:35 What has been achieved thanks to MOLOC? The main results & perspectives from the Partners
Dan Dura - Project Manager - Suceava Municipality

Thomas Jacob - Head International Projects - Senate Chancellery of Hamburg

Mariusz Skiba – Deputy Mayor of Katowice

Arch. Rosa Gilardi & Ing. Antonio D’Arpa - Head of the Urban Planning Dept. & Energy Manager – City of Torino

Stanislas Dendievel – Deputy Mayor of Lille

18:55 Wrap-up : Future issues for the cities through cooperation -  Audrey Linkenheld