Good Practices workshop in Jyväskylä

The City of Jyväskylä arranged its fifth stakeholder meeting on 6th of May in the form of a workshop. The aim of the workshop was to share Good Practices from The MILEstone project with the wider Talent Central Network and at the same time gather Good Practices from Jyväskylä and Central Finland region to be shared with the MILEstone project. The workshop invite was sent to a large group and expected participation was close to 30-35 members. Unfortunately, owing to a lot of cancelation intimations on the same day due to overlaps, the actual participation was 12 members.
Four Good Practices which resonated with the regional needs and circumstances were selected and presented from the MILEstone project during the first phase of the workshop. This raised qualitative and open discussions regarding the similarities and differences of the selected good practices with respect to those present in Jyväskylä and Central Finland. Learning and transfer potential of these practices was also discussed emphasizing upon the possibility of a Pilot Action that could be based on one of the Good Practices.
In the second phase of the workshop, participants deliberated upon the Good Practices available in Jyväskylä and Central Finland region in small groups. The participants were informed before hand and were requested to think about at least one Good Practice each from their work. Each group was requested to highlight 1-2 practices which could be shared with the MILEstone project and to fill in the Good Practice Template. This collected information will be discussed further with the core members of the stakeholder group and practices will be translated and submitted during the course of the project.
This valuable exchange of good practices was appreciated very much by the participants, and it raised people’s interest in the project at the same time. Thanking City of Jyväskylä, Keski-Suomen ELY-Keskus, University of Jyväskylä, Jamk University of Applied Sciences, Paremmin Yhdessä ry, Keski-Suomen Kauppakamari for the precious collaborative work and information sharing.