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Province of Fryslân hosts Regional Stakeholder Group meeting

By Project GIFT

In the beginning of July 2024, the Province of Fryslân in the north of the Netherlands hosted a Regional Stakeholders Group (RSG) meeting as part of the Interreg Europe GIFT project. Key stakeholders, including Bosgroepen, Landschapsbeheer Friesland, and the Friese Milieu Federatie, were in attendance, though Staatsbosbeheer and It Fryske Gea were unable to join.

During the meeting, participants received an update on the GIFT project’s progress, including international meetings, peer reviews, and good practices shared across Europe. The group also discussed opportunities for stakeholders to participate in future international exchanges and peer reviews when relevant expertise is required.

The Frisian Tree and Forests Strategy, a key policy document for the province, was another focal point of the meeting. Through the GIFT project, this strategy is being enhanced with plans to expand forests, integrate landscape elements, and promote agroforestry. With funding secured to implement parts of the strategy, stakeholders explored opportunities to collaborate, share knowledge, and navigate regulatory challenges together.

Held at a scenic dairy farm, the meeting concluded with a lunch featuring local products from the farm and nearby farmers. The next RSG meeting is scheduled for September or October, where discussions will continue on advancing regional green infrastructure.

Green infrastructure