After waking up in a typical green landscape at Les Jardins de l’Anjou, partners were welcomed by Jacques RETHORE, vice-president in charge of waste management in the community of Les Mauges, who outlined the existing initiatives and global policy context of this field in the local community.

During the morning, partners were then invited to participate in two of the three following visits, together with local stakeholders:

  • Separating and valorizing biowaste, with CPIE Loire Anjou – Visit of composters of collective catering; explanations concerning local policy context and measures, in particular, the incentive charging and the support provided to households to get and use composters.

Separating and valorizing biowaste (Photo: BIOREGIO)
  • Valorising green waste and use it for the garden, with Jardinat’ association and CPIE Loire Anjou – Demonstration of a shredder made available for inhabitants.
  • Reducing food waste and promoting local food, with Regional Chamber of Agriculture of the Pays de la Loire – Presentation of actions to reduce food waste and the pedagogical tools developed.

Partners then headed to the farm of Hubert Baudouin in Saint-Laurent de la Plaine, to visit and discover how he uses the green waste from municipality and landscape gardeners to return it in the soil.

Returning nutrients from the green waste back to soil (Photo: BIOREGIO)

While transferring to the beautiful village of Saint-Florent-Le-Vieil, explanations were given on the project West Grid Synergy, an intelligent gas station that allows “reverse” flows to facilitate renewable gas distribution into gas grids.

After lunch, partners went to La-Chapelle-Saint-Florent so as to visit the leguminous production where they had explanations about local agriculture development and supplying collective catering with local products.

The final destination of the day was back in the city of Nantes for a warming and joyful musical animation right on the island of the city by a group of artists “Les Transformateurs Acoustiques” that built their instruments with recycled waste.

An extraordinary and enriching experience!