STRING boosts innovation

The provision of smart, healthy and sustainable food is  a top priority in Europe. The liveliness and dynamism of  some European regions depends on the activity of the  agrifood sector. STRING boosts the competitiveness of  agrifood companies and clusters through innovation and  international development..

Challenging driver for regional  growth 

The agri & food industry is a challenging driver for regional  innovation and growth. STRING unifies European regions  sharing the ambition to improve the (international)  competitive capacity of their agrifood clusters. Because  those clusters have enormous economic-societal impact;  today and tomorrow.

Learning about cooperation  and promotion  

STRING focuses on the strength of regional development  programmes, value chain promotion campaigns and crosssector  hybrid clusterization as the engines for success. To  optimize the management of the measures oriented to  the innovation in agrifood competitive cooperation is key.  That urges partners across Europe to work together on  solutions adaptable to one and another regional context.  STRING designs a brand new learning process, promoting  interregional activities, knowledge sharing and everlasting  inter cluster cooperation.