Our SET-UP partner AREAL was invited by the Municipalities of Loulé and Portimão to participate in the European Mobility Week, which took place from 16 to 22 September.

To mark this initiative, the Municipality of Loulé organized a set of activities under the theme "Combine and Move!", with special emphasis on the street event "PARK (ing) Day - Occupy your place in the city" that took place in September 21st. This event showcased and demonstrated several products / services related to the topics of intelligent mobility, healthy lifestyles, energy efficiency, clean energy, reuse of materials, environmental sustainability and climate adaptation. In this occasion, AREAL exhibited some of its most recent works related to this subject, with a special focus on the SET-UP project.

On September 18th was held in the Auditorium of the Secondary School of Loulé the 3rd edition of the Loulé Adapta Seminar | Urban Mobility, a meeting that combined a set of reference speakers who addressed issues such as electric mobility, shared mobility, soft modes and urban rehabilitation.

This date was also marked with a series of important initiatives held in the Municipality of Portimão to stimulate citizens and local authorities to reflect on the advantages of using collective transport and so-called soft modes. AREAL participated in the "Talk on Mobility" held at the Concert Café of TEMPO - Portimão Municipal Theater on September 19th, with the presenttion of the Algarve-Andalusia Action Plan for the promotion of electric mobility underway within the scope of the European Project Garveland. In addition to this, AREAL took advantage of the presence of the group of stakeholders to present some of the projects related to the topic, namely the SET-UP Project.