Under the coordination of FGM-AMOR – advisory partner in School Chance - for the Exchange of Experience actions, 41 Good Practices implemented in the partners territories and across Europe within the four themes of school mobility management (infrastructure, participation, communication and information) have been selected by the partners and then shared.

The main goals of the Exchange of Experience are:  

  • to identify, analyse and transfer good practices / excellent initiatives concerning school mobility of European regions and cities in order to improve the policy instruments via Regional Action Plans
  • to enforce the role of schools to stimulate and involve students and colleagues in adopting sustainable mobility good practices

School Chance foresees some expected outputs related to GPs: 

  • A GOOD PRACTICE REGISTER containing GPs from the consortium members and other organisations
  • 7 STUDY VISITS organised to study identified GPs
  • 6 TRANSFER WORKSHOPs to make sure that the selected GPs are successfully transferred
  • 6 REGIONAL ACTION PLANS will set out the partners’ agreed proposals for improving their target policy instrument
  • 6 POLICY INSTRUMENTS will be improved (4 ERDF, 2 others) on the basis of GPs transferred

GPs will be presented in depth at the upcoming study visits, that will be the core exchange of experience activity for 2018. The aim of a study visit is to provide an on-site learning opportunity and facilitate cooperation and good practice transfer between hosting and visiting cities 

A 2-cycle calendar for Study Visits has been shared and planned: during 2018, School Chance partners will meet and exchange their GPs through on site meeting in the different cities. The first city to host a Study Visit will be the city of Gävle, which during the visit that will be organised at the end of February will present, among other measures, the communicational campaign to promote winter cycling and an educational activity designed to increase the use of public transport among students.