The current situation poses massive challenges to all of us. The cultural and creative sector is no exception. In this Webinar, guided by Charles Landry, we intend to debate and deepen the role of culture and creativity in the crisis. Does it have a special role to perform in helping to create a more positive outcome of the crisis? Does it push us towards new ways of making and producing culture? Does the digital alternative provide democratic and human-centred access to culture? Is there a silver lining to the crisis? If so, how?

After a very brief reminder of the impact of the crisis on culture, Charles Landry will reassemble the bigger argument for culture by focusing on: 

  • Culture & the 4th pillar of sustainability
  • Culture & resilient places
  • Culture & the psychological/mental impact of the crisis
  • Culture in a time of social distancing

Finally, we will focus on prospects for culture now, in 1 or 2 years and the longer horizon .

The Guide - Charles Landry 

Charles Landry works with cities around the world to help them make the most of their potential. He is widely acclaimed as a speaker, author, innovator and he facilitates complex urban change projects.  An international authority on using imagination in creating self-sustaining urban change Charles has advised cities or given talks in over 60 countries. He helps shift how we harness possibilities and resources in reinventing our cities and his Creative City concept has become a global movement. His book The Art of City Making was recently voted the 2nd best book on cities ever written by the planning website: 

His most recent book is The Civic City in a Nomadic World. Other books cover the measurement of urban creativity, the digitized city, urban fragility and risk, the sensory experience cities and interculturalism. 

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