On Monday June 7 Enrique Doblas, coordinator of PROGRESS on behalf of CREAF - Centre for Ecological and Applied Forestry Research presented the results of the, almost, first two years (October 2019-June 2021) of the project at the 3rd Ecosystem Service Partnerships Europe Conference held in hibrid on-line / presential mode at Tartu University (Estonia).

The presentation was framed in the session on “Forest Ecosystem Service Governance and Valuation – Pathways towards a new forestry agenda”, hosted by experts from three German research centres: Eberswalde University for sustainable Development, Leibniz; Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), and Environmental Research Center, Leipzig.

European forests provide a broad range of ecosystem goods and services vital to society; however their sustainable provision remain challenging. The Session explored the reality of forest ecosystem services (FES) in Europe and investigated how to foster the development of innovative governance arrangements, management, and business solutions for the sustainable provision of forest ecosystem services.

Enrique Doblas showed the current development of PROGRESS with this presentation, also available at the website library. 5 other novel approaches of governance of ecosystem services were presented in the session.