Discover five policy recommendations using the experience of Interreg Europe projects to inspire policymakers to adopt more effective regional innovation governance.
Clusters play an important role in industrial transformations as they support knowledge diffusion, knowledge spillovers, higher innovation and more. Explore the importance of clusters in this policy brief.
This policy brief focuses on regional branding and covers topics such as regional identity, product quality labels, cooperation between SMEs in a rural area, agritourism, and co-creation for promoting cultural heritage.
This policy brief focuses on the internationalisation of SMEs activities as a factor of competitiveness for businesses and an engine for growth and welfare for the economy and the territories.
This policy brief explores the importance of research and innovation in less-developed European regions to promote regional convergence within the European Union.
This policy brief focuses on the use of vouchers to foster SME competitiveness and aims at providing a comprehensive overview of the good practices and the policy improvements based on voucher schemes in those projects.
Discover five policy recommendations using the experience of Interreg Europe projects dealing with the development of skills for innovation to offer regions a path towards better regional innovation.
The social economy is a crucial part of the EU socioeconomic landscape. To foster the growth of the EU social economy, policy action is needed. This policy brief aims to spotlight Interreg Europe projects that work to improve their local social economy.
Overtourism has a devastating impact on the natural and cultural heritage of many popular holiday spots. This policy brief presents solutions to the current challenges of the tourism sector.