In Ostrava, there is a strong political will to create a city and a region of clean industry and living. The city is part of a hydrogen network of stakeholders.
The initiator of the "trinkfair" campaign - the NGO Fairantwortung gAG - wants to save plastic waste and CO2 in connection with the drinking water supply.
The Central Wastewater Treatment Plant of Ostrava uses cogeneration to produce electricity and heat.The Plant is a unique tool for sustainable city development.
Support for citizens to insulate their homes. Provide householders with relevant information on how to reduce energy costs with improving insulation fabric.
As one of first cities, Ostrava uses remote metering of water consumption. The system leads to robust savings of energy and to a reduction of carbon footprint.
The Environment and Energy Agency Karlsruhe County supports the region to become carbon neutral by 2035
The Umwelt- und EnergieAgentur supports the Karlsruhe county as well as its 32 municipalities concerning any task of energy-saving and sustainibility concepts.
Energy Community “BürgerEnergiegenossenschaft Karlsruhe Ettlingen e G” (“BEG”)
From 2012 to the end of 2020, the BEG energy community had around 320 members and financed the construction of 33 PV plants with a capacity of over 1,100 MWh.