On 8 November 2024, the Policy Learning Platform held an onsite matchmaking, which requested advice regarding their policy challenge on designing and implementing a long-term, adaptive governance and support framework to identify, select, and nurture high-potential niche specialisation opportunities for innovation valorisation in the Northern Netherlands.
On 6-7 November 2024, the Policy Learning Platform held an onsite peer review for the Provinces of Noord and Zuid Holland, which requested advice regarding their policy challenge on availability of freshwater and drinking water in the context of changing climate.
On 23-24 October 2024, the Policy Learning Platform held an onsite peer review for the Veneto Region, which requested advice on how to design and implement public led-innovation procurement policies.
On 10-11 October 2024, the Policy Learning Platform held an onsite reverse peer review for the Municipality of Rasinari, Romania, which requested advice regarding their policy challenge on creating a star-gazing destination in the vicinity of their Natura 2000 site.
On 10 October 2024, a group of 7 mobility experts from Belgium, Denmark, Hungary, Ireland, Italy and Portugal met for a full-day study visit on shared mobility hosted by autodelen.net at Ghent (Belgium) and organised by the Policy Learning Platform.
On 24-26 September 2024, the Policy Learning Platform held an onsite peer review for the Institution Intercommunale des Wateringues, which requested advice regarding their policy challenge on water management for the Aa River and its polders.
On 24-26 September 2024, the Policy Learning Platform held an onsite peer review for the Hauts de France Region, which requested advice regarding their policy challenge on governance and policy strategies for greater regional climate resilience against floods and droughts.
On 17-18 September 2024, the Policy Learning Platform held an onsite peer review for the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport, Agriculture and Viticulture Rhineland-Palatinate, which requested advice regarding their policy challenge on potential collaboration with Open Street Map to improve their cycling network data.
On 2-3 July 2024, the Policy Learning Platform held an onsite peer review for the Hungarian Economic Development Agency, which requested advice regarding their policy challenge on how to support SMEs in ESG related aspects.
On 27-28 June 2024, the Policy Learning Platform held an onsite peer review for the Municipality of Genova, which requested advice regarding their policy challenge on how to develop effective urban planning strategies to attract businesses and qualified workers.
The Policy Learning Platform conducted a matchmaking for the Umbria Region's, on 06 June 2024. The Umbria Region's requested some advice on the challenge "Unlocking the potential of AI for public services".
The Policy Learning Platform conducted a matchmaking for the government of Bosnia Herzegovina, on 05 June 2024. The government of Bosnia Herzegovina requested some on advice on the challenge of the digital transformation in a country with heavy bureaucracy.