From 5 - 7th March 2018, PERFECT partners and their stakeholders travelled to Ferrara for the third Project Steering Committee meeting, hosted by the Municipality of Ferrara.

The three-day meeting was a success and all partners learnt a great deal about how the project will be moving forward, as well as key transferable lessons about securing investment and implementing green infrastructure.  

Henry Smith from the TCPA (PERFECT project manager) gave a presentation which emphasised how the London Plan incorporates inter-departmental working to create a strong vision for the future. 

Partners also heard from Geertje Witjen, a stakeholder from the City of Amsterdam, who presented on Plan Amsterdam and Erik Disch, also from Amsterdam, who gave more information about their pilot project on greening schoolyards in the city. 

Two peer to peer working sessions were held, which resulted in very fruitful discussions between partners. The first focussed on the how the planning systems in different countries can be utilised to implement green infrastructure and how it can provide sources of funding. The second asked partners to analyse whether their stakeholder groups include the right members needed to help develop and deliver their action plans, and whether they are actively engaged in this process. 

Partners also went on study tours around Ferrara, including a cycling tour for stakeholders to witness at first hand the benefits provided by multi-functional green infrastructure and learning about how a new green corridor, linking the River Po with the city centre, is being implemented.

Overall, the meeting was greatly valued by all partners and stakeholders who attended. Partners are starting to consider what they can learn from each to help them develop their action plans and these conversations will continue over the rest of the year through further peer group discussions and work shadowing opportunities.