During the first TLJ, partners had the opportunity to assess a methodology to achieve a horizontal exchange of experience and to evaluate each other’s regional policies instruments.
This activity led to a more comprehensive knowledge of the different regional experiences on LC and of the status of some of the good practices identified in the different regions.

For this peer-to-peer (P2P) activity, partners and stakeholders were divided into three groups, according to three of the five thematic pillars identified by the project:

-    resource-efficiency;

-    public procurement;

-    waste and material flows.

They shared good practices focused on practical means to apply LC in these areas with a focus on results, lessons learned and actions recommended. Afterwards each group discussed opportunities of transferability to their respective territories.
Each group was assigned a moderateur and a rapporteur to guide timed discussions and promote interaction among group members. At the end of the session, they presented relevant outputs to the other groups, adding comments and suggestions for the improvement of this methodology.

The results are very positive, partners caught a glimpse of inspiring good practices on LC implementation!

In addition to its stand-alone value, the information gathered during this activity can also help to structure the next peer-to-peer session at TLJ2, and as input for finalizing the 7 regional analysis on LC.
There are still challenges ahead, as for example in encouraging a more prominent and thoughtful linkage between LCA and Good Practice, seen that the two concepts combine to form the 'raison d’être' of the project.