Like the whole of Italy, the Abruzzo region is facing the Corona virus emergency.

Both at the national and territorial level, solutions are being studied to deal with the serious economic consequences that will ensue.

The regional production sector, already heavily affected by the economic crisis of the past few years, may not have the strength to rise again.

The Abruzzo Region is studying a series of measures aimed above all at helping SMEs that have forcibly stopped their activities with actions also aimed at safeguarding jobs.

These measures also envisage the modification of the 2014-2020 Operational Programs and the re-programming of resources relating to the new European programming period 2021-2027.

Microcredit s

o Refinancing of the Microcredit Fund

o Establishment of a revolving fund for small loans

o Establishment of a reinsurance / counter-guarantee fund

Measures to revive the regional economy

o Support for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises to manage operating costs to face the emergency state COVID-19

o Support for micro and small businesses and self-employed workers at a flat rate, for investment expenses made starting from

o January 2020 and to be carried out.

o Support for research and innovation with the financing of "Innovation Agreements" projects.

In addition, the Abruzzo region has also promulgated provisions to speed up the payments of the Region and to favour the amicable settlement of the ongoing dispute with Abruzzo companies, both in civil and administrative matters.

Prepared by Michele de Massimo, CAPITANK